UPDATED ✅ Do you want to learn how to eliminate all censorship that is currently on the Internet? ⭐ ENTER HERE ⭐ and discover how to do it ✅ EASY and FAST ✅
Internet has been a tool free and open from its origins. However, currently this network suffers constantly blockades by the various governments in the world that implement certain restrictions on access to some websites specific. Where these types of restrictions are becoming more and more frequent in most countries.
As usual, web censorship originates because you want to avoid access to pages that are not convenient for governments, pirate pages or those that show illegal and risque contentamong many other sites that are constantly blocked.
In the case of Spain, in recent months has been constantly affected by mass website blockingespecially those of Torrent content. But, as we have already explained on other occasions, there are different methods that allow eliminate these blocks and be able to navigate freely and safelya. That is why here we show you a little more about it.
Digital censorship and IP addresses. How are they related?
Currently the Internet is used as one of the main tools in the world for what it is the defense of human rights and for activismthus becoming the best option for what it is freedom of expression. Especially today when most governments have chosen to silence all or almost all voices who are against them.
It is because of that the media constantly have problems or limitations when share information with your users. Due to the implementation of different local laws that prohibit sharing certain types of information with the public, This has led to the network becoming the main resource for critical voices of citizens.
But all this has led to wanting to implement digital censorshipthus preventing access to news portals, social networks or informative websites. In order to circumvent all these blocks there are the famous VPNwhich work directly with the IP addresses. Where basically its function is to assign you a fake IP so you can skip all these blocks and enter those web addresses.
Despite VPNs are considered very effective toolsin some countries like the United Arab Emirates and Chinaalmost all these programs or at least the most used are found blocked.
Further increasing what is digital censorship. That is how from the year 2016, Internet freedom has decreased considerablyappearing constant blocks to social networks and messaging applications by the governments of the world.
What are the types of censorship on the Internet?
Since the network became a mechanism for share and publish all kinds of information, Some limitations began to appear to access the different websites. This is how we can currently find what There are 3 types of censorship on the web. These are usually through DNS blocks, blocking by IP addresses and URL blocking. Taking this into account, here we explain each of them.
DNS blocking
This lock is considered the weakest of the three, it is usually used by the different Internet operators to combat pirate pages. This type of constraint is widely used by Spanish operators. However, to fix this, simply change dns by others and it will be possible to access said website again.
IP address blocking
It can be said that this is one of the most used restrictions today, it serves to be able prevent access to audiovisual content, either for the Torrent or streaming platforms. This is how recently Spain carried out a massive blocking of these types of websites.
It is generally used for block sites from other geographical locations. In order to avoid these restrictions, you can use a VPN that mimics the IPs of other countriesin this way you can enter these portals again.
URL blocking
This type of restriction works mostly with web applicationsEither for prevent access to a specific site such as Facebook or Twitter. To prevent access to a specific URLwhoever does it must have the control of both the connection between the user and the Internetas well as sufficient resources to carry it out.
What methods exist to remove geographic censorship from the Internet?
Despite the existence of different types of locks today, each one of them can be eliminated in some way, and thus be able to continue enjoying that content that was previously locked. In this case, it is about carrying out different methods, either from install a VPN, change a DNS, use a pluginamong many others.
These methods are important to keep in mind, especially today when local restrictions are becoming more and more present in most countries. Therefore, here we present you the main methods to be able to access the restricted websites.
Making use of a VPN
VPNs have become one of the most sought after and effective programs when it comes to wanting bypass local restrictions to a website specific. This type of software offers you a IP adress different from yours and from another country so that you can enter those websites that from the local address you can’t.
In addition, it offers you other types of tools and functions that will help you get one much more secure and private browsing. So if you have a blocking by IP you can start to make use of one of these programs to remove these locks permanently.
Change the URL of the site by the IP
When we are in front of a url blocking, the best we can do is try to access that site through your IP. Although most are unaware of it, behind a url address what they actually find is the IP address of the portal. So all you need to do here is find the IP of the web page that is restricted.
For this, you only have to access the CMD or command prompt and write the url of the page, example google.com and then press the key “Enter”. After being read and processed by the system, it should appear the IP address of the page. The next thing is to enter this address in the address bar of your favorite browser and voila.
Using Google Translate
Another method that we can use is through the Google translatorit can be said that this is one of the most unknown tools by most users. It usually works in most cases, so it may be worth trying this method.
For this you simply have to copy the restricted URL in Translate and pass it to another languagethen try enter it again. Please note that this method does not work for all websites, but it’s worth a try.
Modify the DNS
As we mentioned before, DNS locks are the weakest and therefore the easiest to circumvent. In general, each Internet provider assigns some dns for what it is web browsing. In this case we simply have to change it for some of the other DNS that we have assigned and thus continue enjoying these pages.
Make use of a web extension
Other alternatives that we can find for bypass these web restrictions is to use a browser with vpn the anonymoX extension available for both browsers Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. In this case you simply have to install and with it you can carry out completely anonymous browsingit allows you change the IP to that of another country and thus access those sites geo-blocked.
Make use of Unblocked.earth
unblocked has become the main alternative for many users, since it has a great number of alternative versions of web pages that are blocked in most countries. Therefore, being able to enter it will be an excellent solution.
On its main page you can see a large number of sites that we can visit completely free and without any restrictionthese range from portals of streaming, torrent, sport, adult sitesamong many others.
Using a Proxy
Finally, other alternatives that we can take into account for this, is through a proxy, keep in mind that they will allow you to enter those blocked sites in a very simple and fast way. Currently there is a large number of proxy on the market completely freeamong the most outstanding we can find Hide My Ass, VNPBook Free Web Proxy, Privoxy, Kproxyamong many others.
Steps to eliminate online censorship and enjoy content regardless of your geographical location
Taking into account with what methods we can remove internet censorship and so I can continue enjoying all the websiteshere we are going to explain what are the main steps that you have to carry out to unblock a website through a VPN, a Proxy and a DNS.
To do this, follow each of the steps that we will teach you below:
with a VPN
The most common method for unblock any web page is through a VPN. And it is that these softwares have become one of the most important and used tools to carry out this function, since it allows users to be able to bypass internet censorship and also to be able to enjoy a more secure and private browsing.
Therefore, power Unblocking a page on the Internet through a VPN is very simple, to do this, follow the steps that we will show you below:
- In this case we will use VyprVPN.com, the first thing will be to do downloading the program to the computer. Note that this VPN is paid.
- Once downloaded to your computer, the following will be run the application on the devices where you want to use it.
- Now select one server locationin this case you can select between the more than 70 servers that the program offers you all over the world.
- The next thing is to click on “Connect” and in this way start browse freely and with greater privacy and security.
- Finally, you can start access those blocked sites and social networks that you could not access before. A way to be able to browse the Internet without any restrictions.
with a proxy
When we refer to a proxy serverwe are referring to a intermediary body between the computer and the user. Therefore, every time a site is accessed, a message is sent to it. proxy request who is in charge of request all site information. That is why most companies and developers decide block certain pages through these servers.
However, being able to bypass these types of blocking is possible, to do so follow these steps:
- the best form of power unblock a proxy server is using a different browser than the one we use on a daily basis. Therefore, if you constantly use Mozilla you can try to use Google Chrome or vice versa. One time installed the browserthe following will be enter the blocked page. In the case that continue without access We do the next step.
- Here we have to disable the firewallIn general, most administrators use firewall services to block some web portals. To deactivate it you have to enter the window of “Run”, there you write “msconfig” and press the key “Enter” or click “To accept” for the system setup to start.
- Then click on the tab that says “Start” and search the list of firewall service that you have installed on your computer, check the disable box, Y reboot the system for the changes to be saved.
Changing the DNS
Finally, we can realize what is DNS change to try to enter blocked websites. Considering that generally operators assign different DNS to each of their users. That is why we simply have to change it for some other and in this way continue enjoying those portals.
To change the DNS, follow these steps:
- For change dns of a team it is necessary to enter the “Settings” of the adapter we use for establish internet connection. We look for this in “Control Panel”.
- When we’re at the window “Control Panel”, we select “Network connections”.
- Now in the adapter properties we have to check the box “Internet Protocol TCP/IP” and select the option “Properties”.
- Mostly you can see that this adapter is configured to get both the IP address as the servers automatically.
- Now we click on “Use the following DNS server address” to add a new DNS.
- Here you select the DNS that we want to establish as new in the computer. Note that here you can place the one you prefer.
- Finally we accept all changes and the next thing will be try to enter again To them sites that are blocked.