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File extension .CSV What are and how to open such files?

File extension .CSV What are and how to open such files?

Files with the .CSV extension are a very common special type of file that is mostly used in spreadsheets and managers to store contacts and information related to them .

The acronym “CSV” means: Comma Separated Values ​​(comma separated values) this because the same values, which are added within the file as data, are separated by commas (,) from there comes its name.

The biggest advantage of this type of file extension is that it can be opened with any word processor, (can be used to notepad or TextEdit) . To learn more in this tutorial we will explain what is a .CSV file , what functions they perform and how they can open or edit any document with that extension.

What is it and what files with extension are used for. CSV?

archivos con extensión .CSV

The .CSV extension is a type of file that is used in spreadsheets, and in turn as a way to manage contact information to store it correctly, that is, it allows you to manage contacts to save all the information of each one in a list of totally organized form.

The .CVS file extension allows you to include or add any value, such as numbers from a budget designed from Excel or names, description, contact information and other data from different customers.

archivo csv en windows

The best thing about this type of extension is its versatility, since allows users to open it from almost any program that can process a text.

What is a file extension?

It is understood as a file extension, the format or type of document that is the same, are commonly denoted with 3 or 4 characters, which indicate to the system what type of file it is. That is, a file extension is a format for example mp3, mp4, jpg. CSV HTML among other things.

There are a wide variety of file extensions, and each one fulfills a predetermined task, these can be opened by multiple programs, or by some programs. And if the program that is responsible for starting this file is not installed on the computer, it cannot be run.

How to open and import .CSV files on smartphones or computers?

There are different methods to open and import a file. CSV on computers and smartphone , these may vary depending on the device used, as well as the version of the operating system. However, the explanation is very widespread and can be followed without inconvenience in other newer or older devices.

On Windows PC

On Windows, the main program you can use to open a .CSV file is Excel. Or any other spreadsheet program and even email administrator programs, where you can make use of importing or exporting your contacts.

To open a file you have to do the following:

  • Open Excel , or any spreadsheet processor you use and that is compatible with the .CSV extension.
  • Choose the “file option ”.
  • Now you are going to choose: the choice “Browse.”
  • Search for the file you’re interested in and click considersabrirrd.

Another method is as follows:

archivo csv

  • Locate the .CSV file that you have saved on your computer, it may be in a folder, surely givendocuments•.
  • Double click in the file.
  • The document will open automatically with the default program for it.

abrir archivo csv en excel

To import a .CSV file

First of all, a brief explanation of What does it mean to import? In computer science it means: “to obtain data through a computer program, from another program”. This may be when, information is obtained from a document totally foreign to the main program being used.

An example of this is when the contact information of a file is imported to a phone, when that device did not have the information of those contacts. In this case just transfer the .CSV file to the computer to access it .

On MAC computers

The procedure for MAC devices is similar to that explained in Windows, it is necessary to have a program that allows you to open the CSV files, and then execute the file that interests us.

And in the case of importing the file, the procedure is similar. Simply transfer the CSV file, from any device, either USB : portable memory, or through the cloud to access it.

archivo csv en mac

On Android mobile phones

On Android there are different methods to import a CSV file, since it depends on what purpose it has. And it can be to transfer data from telephone contacts directly, or files that come from a document with spreadsheets.

In the case of a spreadsheet document, the following is necessary: ​​

  • On the Android device any program that allows processing spreadsheets, saved in the CSV format (extension) must be installed. (There are many programs in the Play Store that meet this requirement)
  • After that, you can open the .CSV document you want.

The other procedure is as follows:

  • In case you want to import the data and information of your contacts.
  • Enter the application of “ Contacts” of your mobile device.
  • Click on “Options” is a symbol with three dots on the top right of the device screen.
  • Choose the option ” Import / Export ”
  • Now you must choose if you want to import from a Sim or from a .vcf file
  • Another way is to have a CSV file saved in the Google cloud , and that is stored directly in the account you use or have associated with your device.
  • In this case instead of choosing, the option “Phone” , you will choose the Google account .
  • Following this, indicate in which “Google Drive ” folder is the file to download it.

On iPhone devices with iOS

In IOS devices the procedure is not different from the previous one , you have to have a program that is compatible with CSV files, once you have it you can open and edit them as you wish. In the Apple Store you can get different apps that meet that requirement.

You can also import your contacts as follows: Enter “ Settings” then “Email”, followed by clicking on “Contacts” you choose “Calendars” and finally “Import contacts from SIM”. You can also import them from sites such as Google, Yahoo !, and ICloud, your MAC computer etc.

How to add contacts from a .Csv file to your calendar email?

The great thing about .Csv files is that you can use them to add your contacts stored in different email accounts, this is possible by following a series of simple steps, which we will explain below.

Import in Gmail

To import contacts in Gmail, you have to do the following:

  • Go to Google (preferably from your browser)
  • Click on options (found in the upper right, next to your profile picture) , followed by this, locate choose “ Contacts”.
  • Now you locate the tab that says furthermore.

importar contactos a gmail, desde un archivo

  • Then you choose the optionImportardan.
  • A small box will open, in this you will choose the “Select file” option.

importar contactos a gmail, desde un archivo almacenado en el ordenador

  • You select the CVS file. Or vCard that contains the data of the contacts that interest you. And you click on clearlyImportar†.

Import to Outlook

From Outlook the process of importing a CVS file is somewhat different and with some extra steps to perform. However, we will explain step by step, how to do it, so you can achieve it.

  • Log in to Outlook from your computer.
  • Click on the “file” option.

importar archivo cvs desde outllok

  • Choose the “open and export” option.
  • Then click on “import or export”.

importar archivo cvs usando outlook

  • It will open, a wizard to import the files you want. In this you will click on the option that says “import a vcard file (.vcf)” . and press next.

asistente para importar o exportar archivos de outlook

  • Locate the file you are interested in, and press open. ¡Ready !