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How to advertise on WhatsApp and be an expert in WhatsApp Marketing? Step by step guide

How to advertise on WhatsApp and be an expert in WhatsApp Marketing? Step by step guide

Whatsapp has become the most used free Internet messaging service in the world, a fact that has attracted the attention of digital marketing specialists for a long time. The only problem I had was that in this application you could not pay for sponsored ads , but this will no longer be a problem by 2022.

When Facebook announced that Wasap was also going to have service for advertisers, advertisers and marketers rubbed their hands. Fortunately, this platform is so simple to use, that anyone can plan a campaign without being a professional .

If you are starting your venture and once in WhatsApp the perfect channel to attack your customers with greater purchase potential, then continue reading us. In this article we are going to show you everything you need to know about marketing in this social network to apply it to your business .

What is Whatsapp Marketing and what do these strategies work for?

Whatsapp Marketing is understood as all those advertising strategies that run that application . Some time ago the platform did not have much potential since it was something of very intimate use, but since its acquisition by Facebook things have changed completely.

Currently we can do much more than send and receive text and multimedia messages. Now we have the states , which although they are a very simple concept also have a lot of potential to create content that attracts the attention of users around your brand .

However, marketing on this social network is not as easy as applying it on others such as Facebook, Instagram or YouTube , since in order to have direct contact with a user we must have their phone number, which is a very personal fact that not everyone is willing to share.

In addition, we must have much more tact with our strategies, since if we get to suffocate our contacts with a lot of advertising content they will easily block us. This creates a scenario in which we have to be very smart, but if we succeed, the number of customers we can get is exceptional .

What is Whatsapp Bussines and how is it different from conventional? span>

Whatsapp Bussines is living proof that Facebook wants to turn this platform into a goldmine for entrepreneurs. This is an application that companies can download to obtain a company profile or public figure , which in turn gives you access to a huge number of tools to interact with your audience.


With Whatsapp Bussines you will have access to mechanisms to create automatic responses, schedule status updates and spread messages among all your contacts . But this is only for now, because when the sponsored ads program starts in 2022, several more tools will be added to this Swiss army knife created by Facebook.

So if you want to start developing marketing strategies on WhatsApp, the first thing you should do is download and create a bussines profile that gives you access to everything we’ve mentioned before .

What aspects should we take into account when conducting an advertising campaign on Whatsapp?

If you are a Wasap user, you are more than likely to understand that this is not a social network similar to any other. This is important because if we do not understand what this platform is, without a doubt all our strategies will be condemned to the resounding failure .

Therefore, when advertising here, it is important to consider certain aspects:

Purpose of the application

The first thing you should be clear about is that this is a very private social network, in it you only interact with the people closest to you. The main purpose of this app is to be able to maintain direct and effective communication with our closest friends and family , and at best with work or study colleagues.

In no head of any user is the idea of ​​having the contact of a company, or at least not among the priorities. Therefore, if you want to earn a place among the contacts of a potential client, you must add real value to your profile and your life, otherwise they will not worry about migrating your contact when they change their smartphone .

No sponsored ads

Facebook announced that by 2022 it will be possible to pay for sponsored content in its Wasap messaging service . So for now we will have to play the old school style in order to increase our contact database. In addition, people are more than likely to reject this initiative as explained in the previous point; This is not to buy anything, but to talk with friends, family and acquaintances .

This will force you to use other types of strategies to reach the largest possible audience with your content. Later we will share some that you can apply to make your contact portfolio fattening as you wish .

Potential client database


Returning to the above, in order to succeed in Wasap, you need to get a good amount of contacts. So your first mission is to make a database of potential clients , and then share all the content you have to enhance your image as a brand.

Strategy objective

It is clear that everything that is accompanied by the word marketing has the objective of selling something. However, on Whatsapp the goal should not always be to get a sale directly , but rather as a stage of your sales funnel.

A sales funnel is the different stages through which you pass your audience from when you get their data until you get them to buy you something . In this structure WhatsApp plays an important role because it is a direct contact with the potential client, so it will always be at the final levels, but also in the after-sales, as a tool to provide customer service.


Both things must be taken into account, because you must choose if you want to convert your business profile as a channel for the customer to place their orders , or one through which they can obtain more information about your product or service, and answer your questions.

What are the main advantages of advertising on Whatsapp?

WhatsApp marketing is one of the most beneficial things for your business that you can start applying right away. If you have doubts about him, then clear them because you will stop taking advantage of wonderful things in every way .

Direct contact with the client

Without a doubt one of the most beneficial things about marketing through this platform is the closeness that is achieved with consumers. Having a person’s phone number gives you direct contact that you can use to get their attention in many different ways.

Major CTR

This is not something we say. Large digital marketing agencies have conducted studies that show a huge CTR rate in advertising campaigns within the Facebook messaging platform. This is a very important fact since it demonstrates the efficiency of these types of strategies.

Constant visibility

Finally, another thing that you can be completely sure of is that there is no better possible way to get constant visibility on this platform. If you have the contact of a person, it will be enough to just update your status so that he sees you daily, and your brand is constantly on his head .

Steps to create a 100% effective WhatsApp marketing campaign

Well, if you’re already convinced of all the benefits of marketing at the Wasap, it’s time for you to learn to run it your way, so that your business feeds on these.

Next we will explain step by step how to start making a 100% effective campaign in this social network:

Identify the target and buyer person

Marketing on this platform is still marketing, so there are elementary issues of this profession that have to be followed. Two of them are the target and the buyer person, two concepts that although they are similar, have plausible differences that it is important to highlight .

Your target is the type of audience you want to attack . You should think about what kind of people would be interested in your business. For example, if you have a tunning workshop in Madrid, your target audience will be made up of lovers of cars and sports bikes , people who love to keep their vehicle looking good.

Conoce a tu público objetivo

Identifying your target is an imaginary exercise in which you have to use your common sense to identify as accurately as possible what those people would be attracted to your business or personal brand. Once you have it well identified, you can proceed to create your buyer person.

A buyer person is nothing more than the representation of your ideal customer , that person who has certain characteristics that elevate him to be a true potential customer. It is that person who, without a doubt, is more open to receiving content from you. To meet this or these ideal clients, you must do a study within your target audience, so that you get accurate demographic data about them.

A buyer person would be a much more specific representation than your target audience. Continuing with the example of the tunning workshop in Madrid, in this case clients could be identified as «Pedro, a young man between 25 and 30 years old, lives in an upper middle class area in Madrid, collects sports cars and loves the modifications » or « Andrés, an adult man between 35 and 40 years old, who lives in a high class area in Madrid, collects classic cars and likes to modify them ».

This very precise data will give you a more precise idea of ​​the interests of your client with greater purchase potential, so that when developing the content of your strategy, it has a greater impact among the people who fulfill these features .

Collect numbers

As we mentioned earlier, having a large database on your WhatsApp is very important, since this number will also be the same number of people that your message reaches. Therefore it is important that you are always collecting new contacts to grow that directory .

This is one of the tasks that cost more work, and many times it must be increased as the planned strategy is implemented. In fact, many times you must plan individual strategies to obtain this data.

Some that we can share for you to apply yourself are the following :

  • Share your number on other social networks . If you have an Instagram profile or a Facebook page of your company, it is important that you always show your WhatsApp contact in everything you do. So every time you share a story in IG, leave your contact somewhere, so who is attracted to what you sell can have a direct channel to ask for information instantly.
  • Exchange valuable content for data . A strategy that every marketer is to give to receive. The concept is simple, you create an ebook or brochure with valuable information for your audience, and in exchange for the free download of this material, you request that they give you their email and WhatsApp Messenger number.
  • Make draws . In the social networks lately it is very popular to conduct a contest in which the prize can be money, an electronic device or any other product, and the people to participate must leave their WS data and those of a friend with their same interests. / li>

Define your goals

Defining the objectives of your strategy in WS is vital to consider your campaign a success or a failure. This is simple, you must choose whether to convert your bussines profile as a customer service channel , or as a direct contact through which an order or an order can be placed.

Plan your content and intention

Based on the previous decision, you must define the type of content you want to share with your users. There are promptly three types of content; The advertising and the informative. Each one has a well-defined purpose. The first is all those videos, images or texts that you create with the full intention of getting a sale .

For its part, the informative content is intended to inform your audience about an important issue related to your sector. Continuing the example of the tunning workshop in Madrid, an example of content could be a video or an infographic in which you explain five tips to take care of your car’s paint , or warn of the dangers of leaving the vehicle too much time exposed to UV rays.

Although informational content does not always get sales, it is excellent for creating a brand identity, and especially for establishing a connection between user and business that is the key to getting a customer loyalty , something that all companies that offer B2C or B2B services should always keep in mind.

Use status updates

estados de whatsApp

The main tool you have to share content daily with your contacts are the states. In them you can share 30-second videos, images and texts. Although it is a very basic concept, with a little imagination you can create very high quality content and share it in an almost unlimited carousel because you can publish a lot of them daily.

Use chatbots

Finally, it is important that you learn to take advantage of chatbots. These are nothing more than chat windows with scheduled autoresponders that are activated when they send you certain messages.

In them you can program automatic answers to answer frequently asked questions, or as a way for the client to find more details about your service and its costs. So once you finish the bot, proceed directly to the purchase .