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What are the best programs to delete files and data in Windows 10, 8 and 7? 2022 list

What are the best programs to delete files and data in Windows 10

If there is a task that we forget permanently is to perform periodic maintenance of our computer with a Windows system . Many times we overlook these simple details, which eventually become poor returns, wasted time and even subtraction of our personal data.

When we install a tool to do that work for us we are gaining, not only comfort, but also peace of mind knowing that our equipment and our data are safe.

We will reveal to you, in this post, why we need to regularly delete the files we do not use and then we will expose you the best tools for the correct maintenance of our PC.

Why is it important to regularly delete files and data from our Windows?

There are different benefits when we clean and order our disks on our computer that has the Windows operating system.

Among the most important benefits we will send to:

Free space

While it is true that the speed of our computer is not directly related to the hard disk, but it is convenient to clean them because we will avoid having problems in the operation of some programs that often need to create temporary files to have a better performance .

Seen from a security point, we need to have space to install good antivirus, since they need or require a lot of space on our disks. Having an antivirus installed is a guarantee for our security.

Unlocking the disk also causes a longer lifetime. When you find the information we require in less time, your work is less so it translates into less wear.

Optimize computer operation

When we regularly delete files and data we are also helping RAM, for this case the processing speed of our computer will be affected, since the RAM is responsible for finding at a very high speed those files and data we use most frequently.

It seems a contradiction to delete files that we use frequently, but it is not, because RAM also contains data from files that we have used before and currently do not need them.

By this we mean that when we clean the RAM we are gaining space to save information of the really recent (and necessary) files, thus improving our user experience and increasing the speed of the processor.

Avoid logical errors in SSD

When we do not perform proper maintenance of our computer, we are affecting the operation of our solid state hard drive.

We make this statement because by not deleting files, the operating system is confused with the content of those that look like folders , for example, but their content disappeared a while ago.

We recommend when this kind of errors occur, issues of deleting unnecessary files, before formatting save the data to an external disk in order to make a correct analysis.

Evitar errores lógicos en SSD. Por qué es importante eliminar con regularidad archivos y datos de nuestro Windows

What kind of files can be deleted without risk of affecting the structure of the SO?

When we talk about the structure of the operating system we are focusing on those programs that are stored in a kernel or “kernel” , which are directly related to the proper functioning of the computer system.

If we delete some of these files, which belong to the set of programs installed in the kernel, we are damaging the structure of the operating system.

For this we will mention those files that you can delete quietly and that will not damage our Windows operating system.

Here we show you what they are:

Duplicate images and videos

It seems like a logical issue, but for many people it isn’t.

Occupy storage place with files and photos that we have two or more times on our computer device, is directly to significantly reduce the performance of our computer , increase its work with the possibility of breaking some of its components, and increase our focus of observation making us waste time to find the data we need.

When we delete this kind of duplicate files we are not touching the files related to the operating system kernel , so we can delete them with total security.

For this we need some tool that detects which are duplicates if we do not want to do it manually. For this there are apps that are dedicated exclusively to these tasks.

Temporary Internet files

Temporary Internet files are created when the different sites with which we interact need to save some information they require for optimal operation.

Once we have logged out, these files are no longer useful for the site or for us, staying in the “ Temporary files ” folder, sometimes taking a lot of place.


In this way we clarify all those people by seeing the name « .tmp » and they believed that they belonged to the operating system, which can be deleted without any worry is the folder.

Large images and videos

For this we will do the following steps:

  • Taskbar
  • File Explorer
  • This PC
  • We chose one of these folders «Videos» , “Music” or representedImages
  • View
  • Details
  • Sort by
  • Size
  • We choose what we need to delete


We can also delete the download folder, which usually takes up a lot of space.

In order to perform this action, we will have to follow this little guide :

  • Taskbar
  • File Explorer
  • This PC
  • Downloads
  • Vista
  • Details
  • Sort by
  • Size
  • We choose what we need to delete.
  • Everything

Descargas. Qué tipo de archivos se pueden eliminar sin riesgo de que afecten la estructura del SO

Navigation history

Without realizing it, every time we access a web page, we are leaving in the search history the different sites where we have passed. Each browser has its own steps, we will take Chorme as an example.

In order to erase this data we will do these steps :

  • Open Chrome
  • More
  • History
  • Choose « History «
  • Delete navigation data
  • Always
  • Clear data

Space liberator

Windows offers us a tool that we can use to perform this task without installing anything else.

We will have to follow these steps :

  • Home
  • We write «Free space»
  • We accept the first application
  • Disk space free Windows
  • Clean system files
  • We choose the disk we want to free

List of the 15 best tools to delete files in Windows

Among the different tools that exist in abundance today, we want to present the ones that stand out the most for their functions and for each of the special features they provide to users.

For this we have made the following list that we show you below:


BleachBit. Mejores herramientas para borrar archivos en Windows
Libera de manera rápida nuestro disco duro de todos aquellos archivos temporales, limpia la carpeta de cookies y descarta todos los archivos que podamos tener duplicados.

It is a tool since freeing up disk space allows us to work in a better way.

Download BleachBit Windows

AVG AntiVirus Free

It is a space cleaner that has been in the market for a long time, is considered one of the best.

It gives us the possibility to clean the disk with very few steps, we will simply have to choose what we want to remove and it also has a powerful antivirus, which eliminates viruses and spyware.

Download AVG AntiVirus Free Windows

Adw Cleaner

Improve computer performance by destroying adword. In addition, it deletes hidden files in the temporary files folder and blocks the access of cookies.

Among its functions is the configuration to perform it in a more detailed way or with a superficial analysis.

Download Adw Cleaner Windows


If we want to have our computer as clean as possible, this application is ideal for these tasks.

Clean our SSD efficiently, deleting unnecessary files that may be temporary or duplicated. It has a real-time analysis of malware and adware.

Download MiniBin Windows

Revo Uninstaller

When we erase a program there are always remnants of them on our disk, for this reason we need tools like this to be able to clean it up.

Its price is € 37 obtaining a permanent software update.