Wallpapers have become a great option for all users, these allow them to customize either their computer, laptop, Smartphone, tablet or any Another device in a unique way. In addition, today there are different alternatives to place these wallpapers, some of them are Animated Wallpapers.
Currently Windows 10 has the Dynamic Desktop feature of macOs , which is responsible for changing the wallpaper from time to time, usually every hour, which allows Users have a quite varied and very visual background. But, many users nowadays want to know how they can set animated backgrounds on their computers so that they can have another kind of appearance thus looking much more real.
But, it is important to mention that even Windows 10 does not have the option to place one of these wallpapers with direct movement . Therefore, to carry out this it is necessary to download and execute a specialized program to carry out this function. That is why here we bring you the best programs to set animated or moving wallpapers on your computer.
List of the best programs to use and download free live wallpapers for Windows
It is important to mention that there are different alternatives to add this type of free animated backgrounds to your computer, which will allow you to have a totally personalized team in your own way. That is why here we are going to show you which are the best programs that you are going to install and run to carry out this function on your Windows computer.
Rain Wallpaper
This software you will find totally free and is considered one of the best to carry out this task. In addition, it is available for any computer that has Windows 7 or higher.
As for its tool, Rain Wallpaper has 4 completely different animated backgrounds included, but it gives you the possibility of being able to create new backgrounds for Windows 10 . These can be created through different screen formats in either 16: 9, 21: 9, 16:10, 4: 3.
One of its main qualities is that it allows you to add sound to the animations, as well as pause it if you want to have a little more speed on the computer. This program is compatible with a wide variety of formats as they are: Mp4, Avi, Mov, Wmv, M4v and WebM. As for its handling it is really simple to use and has a very interesting and attractive platform that has led it to position itself in the first places.
Keep in mind that if you want to create your own animated background for your computer this can be done through a video you have recorded yourself, joining different images or working directly on an animated image from 0. It is important to mention that it is recommended that when using any other program that requires many resources, it is good to disable Rain Wallpaper , since this software occupies a lot of RAM and It can make your team work a little slow.
Push Video Wallpaper
This program, just like the previous one, you will be able to get totally free and is also available for computers with Windows 7, 8, 8.2, 10. Push Video Wallpaper will make your team look much more attractive as it gives you the option to set animated backgrounds on your desktop, as well as play videos on it.
It is currently considered one of the most recent programs to carry out this type of tasks. On your platform you will have the possibility of getting a large amount of Wallpaper available and videos which you will be able to use for your computer desktop.
To make use of this program you will only have to download and run it, in terms of its use it is really simple. When you run this program for the first time, a sample video will appear on the screen that will explain how to use it, there you will be taught the full potential of this program.
- Once the program has started, will show you the following window
- To start using it, just click on the “+” sign.
- There you will be asked to enter the multimedia file that you want to place and it will start playing on your desktop.
- You can also add different videos together so that they all play automatically.
This program you will also get for free and with it you will create and design any kind of live wallpaper for your desktop in a very easy and fast way. VideoPaper is characterized by being one of the safest programs to carry out this type of function , it has been created by a member of Reddit, which gives a touch of additional reliability.
If you are one of the users who are looking for how to create this kind of animated images for your computer, VideoPaper is one of the best alternatives , then we will explain a bit about its operation.
- The first thing you have to do is download and unzip it. After downloading, you have to look for the VideoPaper.exe icon, once you have achieved it you will select the option of “Open”, it does not require any installation because it is portable.
- You will now see a notification in the “Windows taskbar” . There you will double click on the program icon.
- Then you will have to select the “Settings / Settings” option. Once this is done the program will start running .
- After a few seconds you will see the main screen of VideoPaper , there will appear a series of buttons, with them you can create the animated Wallpaper , Modify the height, width, resolution parameters and adjust it to the size of your monitor. You will also find a button called “Top & Left” with this you can adjust the position of the video so that it fits right in the center of the screen.
This program gives you several options when using the animated images, one of them is to choose if it will open when start Windows or not. You can select it to play after a while to start or at the time you deem appropriate. A software that offers its users a set of very varied and interesting tools that will allow you to have an excellent experience in it.
BioniX Wallpaper
BioniX is another tool that we will be able to use when we want to set an animated image on your computer’s desktop , taking into account that this is a action that cannot be carried out directly in Windows 10. Due to this, different free programs have been created and available to users so that they can perform this type of action and with that have a livelier desktop and much more real.
If you are interested in installing and making this program to create your own animated images just follow these steps:
- To start you need to download and install BioniX Wallpaper
- Now you have to place Gif images inside a folder on your desktop or documents.
- Once the program has been downloaded, you just have to run it and then press the permittedStopleigh.
- Once it has been installed by complete and you are in the program, you have to select the “Tools” menu. There you will select the Animated Wallpaper.
- To do this you have to look for it in the folder that you have previously created from Gif.
- This program gives you the possibility to adjust both the speed and size of the Gif if it is too small or too large. This will allow you to adjust it to your monitor screen.
- Now you have to enter the “settings / Settings” tab and there you will click on “Start at Windows Start ”. This will allow you to open the animated image every time you start your Windows.
Once all this is done you will have finished the process, something really simple and easy to achieve. You just have to close BioniX and start enjoying the new background of your desktop that will give you a much more lively and interesting new style.
Okozo Desktop
This is another of the programs that you can find to make animated desktop images for free. With it you will start to carry out this type of action in an easy and simple way, This being one of the main reasons why it is preferred by users. It has a wide variety of themes available, but it is important to mention that some of them are very simple. However, you can also find some really original ones as well as create your own animated backgrounds .
Okozo Desktop is currently available for Windows 7 and Windows vista . In it you will choose and create animated images completely to your liking, which will allow you to give the desired appearance to the desktop of your computer.
To make use of this program you just have to download Okozo Desktop and run it , then just double click on the program icon to start using it . Keep in mind that for this you need to have a good graphics controller to run correctly, as well as a good RAM.