UPDATED ✅ Want to have the latest version of the fastest and most secure browser for Apple devices installed? ⭐️ ENTER HERE ⭐️ And follow this step-by-step guide
is the browser that comes pre-installed on the apple devices. It is represented by a blue and white ball symbolizing a compass. It also has two red and white hands. If you already know it, it is because you know Apple or have a device of its brand. That is why you may be interested how you should update Safari browser to the new version for free and also very easily.This browser could be said to be more efficient than the others since, your content loads much faster and the battery life of the mobile device in which it is installed is also longer. It also provides the well-known privacy options so that the web pages you frequent cannot be tracked and that nobody has access to your browsing history, to give a couple of interesting examples. Safari can be classified as one of the fastest browsers in the worlddue, among other factors, to the fact that it is based on a very fast JavaScript engine.
Furthermore, it is not only possible to use it for Mac usersbut can also be installed by people who work with the windows operating system. It is also compatible with Netflix and play videos in HTML5. In addition, it has a feature that, always from our point of view, is great, because prevents website videos from playing by themselvesso you are the one who has full control over this, you must press the play if you want to see or modify the option in the settings so that they play alone, if that is what you want.
How to update Safari on my Apple Macbook?
We must talk about the technologies and systems that it has Safari To protect you. On the one hand, it identifies the companies and advertisers that follow you on the internet and delete tracking data that are shared. Furthermore, it runs the websites in separate processes so that if you access a malicious website, only one browser tab is infected. Also, if a website is suspicious, Safari prevents it from loading and warns you. Finally, we highlight that allows you to navigate between Apple devicesso if you have opened a website on your iPhone you will have access to it, for example, from your Mac computer. Useful, right?
If your Mac computer is up to date, then the Safari browser will be as wellbecause as it comes as a pre-installed application on the computer, this browser is updated when the system itself does.
However, to check if there are updates available and they have not been done, you must follow the following steps:
- First, turn on your Mac and open the app store .
- Go to the top toolbar and then click on the last option, where it says “updates”.
- Once this option is selected, they will download updates for all apps on your Mac that need it.
- After finishing, will be shown at the bottom of the screen all updates that have been installed in the last 30 days.
- If you want, you can write the name of “Safari” in the section at the top right where it says “Search”.
- Safari will appear below and if you need to make any updates, will have a sign next to the app name where will it put “To update”.
- If you see the sign click on it and the system itself will take care of everything. When the process ends a blue ball will appear next to the app name to indicate that it has been updated.
How to install the latest Safari update on Windows?
Apple discontinued development of Safari for Windows in 2012but you can download the latest version that they left enabled, although it must be said that not up to date with security patchesso you lose one of the features that give you more value in Apple.
In any case, the way install safari browser on Windows is the next:
Download Safari latest version
- To install safari on windows is only available through the links above, they are 100% safe.
- Once it has been downloaded, click on the option “Run” after double-clicking the file.
- Going to open the typical Windows installer so that you can follow the steps that it asks you for the installation. I recommend that you disable the option “default browser” and prevent the installation of additional software.
- When you have completed all the steps, you must start Safari on your computer. It will be ready to use!
Download and install the latest version of the Safari browser
Imagine that you need to download and install the latest version of Safari
on one of your devices. Next, I show you the steps you must follow to do it.Download and install latest version Safari
- First of all, I recommend that you access the Apple file download website from the link above. From the original website you won’t have the possibility of downloading corrupt files that infect your device.
- Choose the version of the browser that best suits your operating system version that you use at this time.
- Next, click on the “Discharge”. *If the current browser has blocked the download (sometimes it happens) check the option “Always allow…” located on the right side of the browser bar and press “Clever“.
- Run the installer that appears.
- On PC or Mac, drag the icon that appeared on your desktop to create the shortcut. In mobile or tablet applications, an access to the application itself is already created.
- Double click on that icon and start enjoying cool web browsing!