UPDATED ✅ Linux has one of the most complete command systems to make the most of your equipment and its features ⭐ ENTER HERE ⭐ and get to know them
One of the main impediments by which users do not go to Linux it is because of the large amount of command that are handled in it. However, you can also handle it with the mouse and keyboard in a very simple wayas this will allow you to do things faster.
This is how a user who is used to drive Windowsmaybe you don’t want to start learn command and orders to drive a new operating system. Taking into account that all the adjustments that are made within the Graphic interface they can run via command lines.
Therefore, today there are a lot of them available in this OS, which They provide us with a large number of very important and interesting functions.. But with the passage of time and practice they learn little by little. According to this, here we will teach you the most important commands in Linux.
What are Linux operating system commands and what are they for?
These commands of Linux are small programs that are built into the operating system and what do they have the function of carrying out a task.
However, there is a difference between what is a command and a programas usual the commands are always located in a specific folder that they are always in the same place no matter if you have logged in with your username or superuser. While with the programs you have to be specifying its location.
Today most of the Modern OS make use of this tool in order to be able to offer two forms of management to the user, considering that all the system settings can be run via the command line which is also known as Shell.
Therefore, a shell Act like mediator between the system and the userwhich receives all the entries made through the keyboard, Either for start a program or indicate an exit from the system.
What can be done with Linux terminal commands?
As we have already mentioned before, these commands specialize in doing some specific task within the computerEither for indicate a system input, an output, start the task manager, run a program, hook ordersamong many other activities that can be executed from them.
Furthermore, it is important to mention that each shell drive a own language of orders that allow to carry out the task for which they have been created.
Every time it turns on the computer activates the shell in the operating system as a standard to the system settings. From that moment you can start indicate your inputs or outputs to manage it. A different way to use the equipment, and access certain options just by typing a code with your keyboard.
List of Top 50 Linux OS Commands and Their Utility
As usual there are two types of peoplethose who prefer operate the computer with the mouse and those who prefer to do it with the keyboard.
Therefore, if you belong to the group of people who prefer interact with the system through the keyboard, here we are going to show you what they are top 50 linux commands so you can start improve your OS experience and thus become an expert in it.
To do this, follow the following table that we will show you with each of the most important and used commands today in Linux:
Command | Description |
add user | It allows you to see useradd. |
ac | It gives you the possibility to print the statistics about the time that the users have been connected to the system. |
alias | It is used to create command shortcuts, you can list the current aliases. |
arp | To manipulate and get the list of Mac/IP addresses of the system. |
apt-get | For updating and installing debian-based packages on the system. |
at | It is used to be able to schedule commands, jobs or scripts to be executed later. |
harping | To send ARP REQUEST to the other devices connected to the network. |
arptables | It is a Firewall very similar in functions to iptables, but it is used to control arp protocol traffic. |
bc | To use the calculator and mathematical language. |
bzcat | Unzip compressed or packaged files via bzip2. |
atg | It shows you the list of scheduled jobs that are pending execution. |
basename | It is used to remove the path from the name of a specific file. |
blkid | It teaches block device attributes such as LABEL and UUID, among many others. |
wow | It performs an analysis and processing of the patterns of listings and files. |
bios code | It offers you an information about the BIOS. |
bzip2 | It is a file compressor and decompressor. |
bzmore | It gives you the ability to view all files that are compressed or packaged using bzip2. |
cat | It shows you the content of files and concatenates files. |
lime | It displays the calendar on the screen. |
CD | To change the directory. |
arch | Shows the architecture of the computer |
uname-r | Shows the version of the kernel used. |
join me | It shows all the complete information of the system. |
isb release-a | It shows all the existing information of the distribution. |
dmidecode -q | Teaches system components (hardware). |
cfdisk | Activates the disk partitioning tool, used on debian systems mostly. |
chmod | Modify the permissions of folders or files. |
halt | Used to turn off the system, once its use is finished. |
reboot | To restart the system. |
logout | Close the active session. |
shutdown -c | Allows you to cancel the system shutdown. |
ls-lh | It is used to list the contents of a directory, it shows all the details including size and format. |
tree | It shows both folders and files in the form of a tree starting from the root. |
chage | To modify the expiration or expiration information of the user’s password. |
chfn | Modifies the information used in finger. |
chpasswd | Used to update passwords in batch mode, it can also update passwords in groups of users. |
chroot | It is used to execute commands in root in a shell restricted to a directory or subdirectories. |
chsh | It is used to change the shell login or the default shell. |
Clear | Clean the terminal completely. |
cpio | Its function is to copy, compress, create and extract files in different formats between various local computers. |
df-h | Shows the list of mounted partitions. |
ls-ISr more | Shows the size of directories and files ordered by size. |
du -sh dir1 | It is responsible for estimating how much space is being used by the dir1 directory. |
du -sk* or sort -nr | List all files in descending order of size and subdirectories in the current location. |
useradd user1 | It is used to create a new user. |
userdel -r user1 | Remove a user by deleting their home directory. |
chattr +d file 1 | It is used to ensure that the program does not delete the files during the backup. |
chattr +i file 1 | Makes the file invariable or immutable, this prevents it from being deleted, modified, altered, linked or renamed. |
yum update | Used to update all rpm packages that are installed on the system. |
yum update package name | Updates and upgrades each of the rpm packages found within the system. |