UPDATED ✅ Do you want to know what are the best practices to enjoy social media safely and privately? ⭐ ENTER HERE ⭐ and discover the complete list ✅ EASY and FAST ✅
Although it is true, since the use of the Internet has increased, the existing risks regarding the security and privacy of the people who use it have also increased. But, this became a major problem, precisely at the time when the famous social networks emerged.
Taking into account that the main purpose of these platforms is to ensure the active participation of billions of people worldwide. By means of which, they seek a greater number of viewers, intensifying to the maximum the options of connecting with another person and thus seeking, data to sell and cross.
Given this, logically there are many risks for both children and adolescents, as well as for adults. Therefore, it is essential to have Top tips for optimizing social media security.
List of tips to preserve your privacy and improve security on social networks
For the vast majority of people in the world, it is already a custom Connect to your social networks daily, given that these types of platforms have already become a large part of everyday life. Since, it is the best way to stay connected, in real time, with everything that happens around you and also far from you.
However, due to the notable flow of users and personal data, these platforms expose you to numerous risks on an ongoing basis. Whether you use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and any other social network, the danger that exists is absolutely potential and because of this, it is relevant to have the best tips that allow you to maintain and improve your privacy and security in any social network.
That is why, below, we let you know the main recommendations to take into account, to avoid being a victim of any data usurpation or danger on the Internet. Especially when it comes to children and adolescents.
Images reveal more than you think
Although it is true, the images are the main elements that are published and shared on any social network. But, despite the fact that you believe that it is simply a photograph or image, this is saying much more about you than you think.
Since, you can be revealing, completely, everything related to your habits, your location, your movements and without a doubt, it is absolutely valuable information for possible attackers who are on a certain platform.
Added to this, when you upload this type of content accompanied by an informative caption, the risk you run is even greater. Because, many times you can be exposing data about your private, family or sentimental life and without a doubt, in such a way you will not be able to maintain your privacy.
Which means that, it is very important that take care of what you post and comment on any social networkbecause any additional information could put you in great danger.
Make use of selectable privacy
As many of these platforms allow you customize your account privacy to your liking, it is completely advisable that you make use of these functions. With which, you can ensure that any content you post and activity you do, only be visible to your family, friends and acquaintances.
In addition to this, there is the possibility of create friend type lists and along with it, you can also customize the visibility of each post. Basically, this allows you not to put what you share in view of all your friends or followers, but rather only for your close and trusted people.
Use a strong and difficult to crack password
One of the main recommendations regarding any account you have on the Internet (not exactly one on a social network), is to make sure keep a strong key and that it cannot be guessed by anyone else.
So, it is important that, for your social networks, you create a password that cannot be deciphered by anyone other than you. This undoubtedly allows increase the security of your datathus preventing any third party or hacker from accessing them.
It is worth noting that security professionals recommend using a combination of numbers, symbols, and uppercase and lowercase letters in passwords, in addition to being a long combination.
Don’t even think about saving passwords
On many occasions, users prefer to save their access codes, whether on their computer or mobile, in order not to enter them every time they want to access their account on a certain social network. Therefore, it is about a very common practice but also very dangerous. A tip and practice to protect ourselves is to use password managers.
Nowadays, it is not recommended to save passwords because if someone physically accesses the computer where you did that, it will easily enter your account and without any hindrance. So, it is valuable that you enter your password every time you want to access the social network. Since, although it takes more time, it is more valuable for protect your personal information.
Be very careful with the GPS of your mobile
In general, users of social networks manage their profiles directly from their Smartphone and all these devices have a common feature that refers to GPS. Which, although it can be of great help in many circumstances, can also be dangerous in reference to the social network environment.
Currently, these platforms have a peculiarity known as the “geotagging”, which works with the help of GPS and is based on attach information regarding your location in any multimedia content that you share or receive. Being a function that is usually used to make a profile of this type more social.
But well, said geotagging is not recommended or safe at all, because it makes it easy for many network attackers, interpret information as private and significant such as your lifestyle, the places you frequent, social status, as well as economic status and even your day-to-day routine.
Use security programs and applications
Due to the large number and types of cyber attacks taking place today in various parts of the world, many developers have opted for create software and applications that will present the ability to solve this problem. Being tools that, luckily, provide good results.
Indeed, we recommend that you you rely on these security programs and apps In addition to increasing the protection of your data on social networks, you also avoid receiving any attack while using the Internet. Taking into account that, in this way, you can also protect your equipment so that its operation is always optimal.
Avoid accessing the links sent to you
It is common to find in social networks, a large number of links or links for you to access them. But, despite the fact that they have been sent by a family member or friend of yours, it is recommended that You will not know. Unless, you take a good look at these and after detailing them, you can make sure that it is something reliable.
Since, on many occasions, viruses camouflage themselves this way and therefore only they are traps This, unfortunately, has happened on Facebook or Whatsapp repeatedly.
Application permissions are also decisive
As entertainment is very relevant, today you can find a large number of games and applications of all kinds that ensure total fun. However, to start enjoying them, it is mandatory accept certain permissions and conditions in order to accessand this can be a point against.
Although these permissions are often transparent, on some occasions there are apps that request permits or authorizations that are not really necessary. Such as those permissions that refer to access to email, contact information, photographs, videos, etc. Which is not ideal because they are programs with advertising or even malicious purposes, to steal information. Therefore, you should be very careful before accepting any authorization in this regard.
Do not hesitate to act against cyberbullying
Social networks have been used to intimidate other users through threats of all kinds, insults, spreading false rumors or even compromising photos, etc. Thus, a practice that has not been able to be eliminated and basically, are led by bullies who want something in return.
Whereby, in these cases of cyberbullyingyou must not hesitate act quickly against it and thus, to be able to prevent them from becoming much more dramatic and dangerous situations. For this, you can choose to block the stalker in question or even take screenshots and save the evidence to inform any legal security center in your area.
Do not accept friend requests from strangers
Both on Facebook, like Instagram and any other social network, it is important to make sure have “friends” or “followers” that you really know and you know who it is. Since, by accepting unknown people or people you don’t know enough, you are endangering your privacy. Since, many thieves, hackers or individuals with bad intentions, operate in such a way to enter your daily life, learn more about you and even attack you.
Do not use another PC or mobile to access your account
Many times, when you do not have your computer or mobile phone nearby, you choose to request a loan from one to enter any social network. But even if it’s a device belonging to someone you know, this practice is not recommended and may endanger your personal data. Even more so, when they are computers that are at your work or in a cyber cafe.
Now, if it is an extreme situation and you have no other option, we recommend that as soon as you finish managing what you wanted on the social network, make sure to log out. Also, don’t let the web browser you used remember passwords.
You should be alert for scams
In any social platform, there is never a lack of the person or company that pretends to be a merchant offering some type of service or product, in order to quickly gain your trust and thus obtain detailed data regarding your bank accounts, credit cards, passwords, etc. which is known as phishing.
Therefore, you must be very careful when responding to messages from this type of scammer or phisher and not believe in any type of discount to reveal banking information in such a way. It’s more, not even if they use an instant messaging system or even a phone call.
What risks exist in social networks for underage children and how to prevent them?
As we mentioned at the beginning of the post, the dangers in social networks are even greater for children and adolescents. Since minors are not fully aware of the true reality worldwide and especially the great risk revealed by the use of the Internet and social networks today.
That is why, below, we present a list that contains The main risks in social networks for underage children and in this way, we will detail some tips to prevent these problems currently present:
- The use of photographs of minors in child pornography: One of the most notable phenomena on the Internet is child pornography promoted by various websites and are certainly fed by social networks. Since the profiles of innocent children on these platforms can be of great help to publish their photos on Internet portals that promote this type of pornography worldwide. Because of this, it is best prevent minors from managing accounts on social networks.
- Children are potential victims of grooming: This is based on a pedophile deception that is managed from a false profile (with photos of models or very general ones such as landscapes) on any social network and aims to friendly approach a minor with sexual intentions or even the kidnapping himself. Indeed, if the little one manages a social profile and comments that he has virtual friends, it is a great sign that he is being a victim of this horrific practice. Therefore, you must make sure that do not maintain virtual contact with any unknown person.
- They can be affected by cyberbullying: Bullying is a phenomenon that went from being a school problem to a bullying present in social networks. For this, it is important inform the little one very well about the proper use of the Internet, the importance of taking care of privacy and, in any case, having the resources and tools at hand to report on time.
- The violence generated by active communities in social networks: Today, there are many communities that focus on raising challenges and struggles to encourage minors to do them and this is extremely dangerous. Since in this way, fights have been generated between children and young people to publish them in said profiles and have even led to the death of many minors through dangerous challenges that lead to eating disorders, depression, etc. Therefore, you have to be very aware of what the little one observes on social networks, who they follow, etc..
- Blackmail for money or sexual favors: Thanks to the innocence of minors, many malicious individuals do everything possible to obtain photographs of children and once they succeed, they start a blackmail to earn money or even acquire sexual favors from the minor. Everything, in order to remain silent and not publish said content on the Internet. For this reason, it is important to maintain trust with the minor and Advise you that you should never take and send intimate pictures to anyone because of the existing dangers.
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