While it is true, viruses are one of the biggest and main battles facing the digital world today, as is hyperconnected society. Especially, because according to computer experts, every second around three viruses are created on planet Earth and the consequences of their spread are truly uneven.
In this sense, computer viruses are the cause of significant inconvenience in Internet users and thus, are responsible for data theft, document destruction and other serious crimes within an online environment. Taking into account that, all operate in different ways and while some manage to slow down your computer to insufferable speeds, others only concentrate on making you lose information of interest or steal it.
For all this and much more, it is worth knowing what are the main types of computer attacks that exist, today and for that reason, then, we will detail the most common of these. Additionally, we provide you with information about the types of programs that you can use to defend against these powerful threats.
What are the most common types of attacks and computer viruses? span>
In principle, we offer you a list with each and every one of the most recognized and common computer attacks and viruses, today . This, in order that you know the main threats that surround the digital world and so, you can avoid them in a certain way.
Now, then, we indicate the most relevant features around the most common computer viruses:
Denial of service attacks (DoS and DDoS)
Without a doubt, this computer threat is one of the most feared, due to its execution economy and, above all, because is extremely difficult to track the attacker . Which, consist of making various requests to a server with the aim of getting the same to collapse and in particular, to block .
Thus, the so-called “DDoS attacks ” , can be defined as an attack on a computer system or network that causes or achieves that a particular service or resource, is completely inaccessible by legitimate users. That way, can cause the loss of network connectivity due to the consumption of information transfer or bandwidth of the victim’s network.
In addition to this, it should be noted that denial of service attacks are very effective and that effectiveness is due to the fact that does not have to overcome the security measures that normally protect a server >. Well, these do not try to penetrate inside but rather, block it and now.
Among other things, although there are several techniques, the most common of all lies in the use of “botnets” or computers infected with Trojans and worms in which the same user does not know that he is forming part of the attack.
Basically, it is defined as an illegal or unethical attack that takes advantage of any vulnerability of networks, applications or hardware . So, they are estimated as errors in the software development process that involve security breaches that cybercriminals can use to access such software and with this, the entire team.
In this way, this kind of attack usually materializes in software or code and with this, it aims to gain control of a computer system and at the same time steal data saved on a network Thus, users cannot recognize this type of attack until it is too late. Reason why it is recommended to have the software always updated.
It should be noted that exploits can be classified based on the type of vulnerability they affect . Either zero day, impersonation, denial of service, etc. Due to its great extension in the digital world, software vendors publish security patches for all the weaknesses of which they are aware and even with this, the program can remain at risk.
Computer worm
It is a program that infects the computer and once it is completed, is responsible for making copies of itself and disseminating them through the network . That way, it moves them away in different locations of the computer with the full objective of collapsing computers and computer networks to prevent the work of all its users.
It should be noted that, computer worms are a subclass of viruses , in reality; They are considered as a type of malware . Among its most relevant characteristics, we find that it does not require your intervention or a backup medium, unlike the virus. This, due to the fact that can be transmitted using networks or email .
In addition to this, the present kind of computer attack is totally difficult to detect , since they do not affect the normal operation of the system, in reality; since its purpose is to ensure the spread of the threat and with it, infect other computers .
Another of the most recognized computer attacks today, are the Trojans that have great similarity with viruses. However, the latter are destructive by themselves and instead, the Trojan virus simply seeks to open a backdoor to sponsor the entry of other malicious programs into the system and apart from that, they cannot multiply as viruses and computer worms do.
Generally, a Trojan attack is camouflaged as legitimate software and with that, hackers and cybercriminals take advantage to steal your confidential data, specifying actions such as: blocking, modifying, deleting or copying data ; as well as a disruption to computer and computer network performance .
On the other hand, the Trojan attacks are also known as “Trojan Horses” because their mission resembles these, due to the fact that it goes unnoticed and thus, gets into the systems without being detected as a true potential threat. Taking into account that they can even be added in harmless executable files, apparently .
Malware is a generic term that usually refers to any malicious software , as it describes the malicious codes that cause damage to the systems .
Which, as its main objective, infiltrate a system to cause powerful destruction in it and thus, are considered intrusive and intentionally unpleasant threats that attempt to invade, deteriorate and even disable from computers, to computer systems, networks, mobile devices and tablets.
In this sense, in general, the malwares assume partial control of the operations of a certain device and intercede in their normal operation . With this, viruses are considered as a type of malware, as are Trojans, computer worms and other attacks of this kind.
Over time, it has been pointed out that the intention of greater relevance of a malware is based on taking money from the user in an illegal way . So, he does everything possible to steal, encrypt or erase his data to hijack the basic functions of the computer and spy all his movements without permission. Although, these do not have the power to damage systems hardware .
Certainly, it is not a malicious software but rather, a social engineering technique that is used by cyber drills to obtain all possible confidential information from users; such as: names, passwords and especially, credit card details with just impersonate a legitimate and reliable organization .
For its part, the means most used by phishing are email, messaging and phone calls . Which, seems to come from legal and recognized companies such as PayPal, a bank, a government agency or any known entity. But all this is based on imitations to request your confidential information and then use it for your own benefit.
Thus, when you receive this attack from your email, they can ask you to update or validate information about your account; So they redirect you to a fake website and that’s where they easily get your data to cause usurpation of your identity. Therefore, although it cannot be deleted, phishing can be easily detected by monitoring your website.
Also translated as “impersonation” , this type of digital threat refers to the use of phishing techniques for malicious or investigative purposes, usually using a false IP address . Since, specifically, spoofing is responsible for replacing the source IP address of a TCP / IP packet with another IP address that you want to replace.
In this way, this computer attack can be achieved thanks to programs designed for that purpose only. In that sense, the attacker from his team simulates the identity of another machine on the network to find access to resources from a third system that has established some confidence. This trust is based on the name or IP address of the host that will be supplanted.
Among other details, you can classify your attack models depending on the technology they use . With this, everyone is included in the idea that any network technology is vulnerable to phishing and the most recognized are: IP spoofing, email spoofing, DNS spoofing, Web spoofing, etc.
It is defined as a spy program that aims to collect information about your team with complete peace of mind , given that its work is usually clearly silent and does not show how it works to achieve Such information quickly. In addition to this, it is responsible for installing other programs without prior notice and also causes slow operating systems and software execution.
Among its particularities of greatest interest, we find that spyware causes the slowness of operating systems and programs, because tends to consume many machine resources and of course, thus prevents normal operation of it.
In addition to this, spyware presents the unique feature of placing windows, automatically, to try to sell certain products and services ; which are based on that information collected by those malicious programs.
In short, it aims to capture and monitor the movements of users of computer equipment and currently, it is evaluated that more than 80% of personal computers may be infected with spyware .
This concept is used in the field of computing to refer to those types of software that, automatically, show advertisements to the user . In other words, its main function is to display advertising so that the manufacturer of the software in question can make a profit from these advertisements.
In addition to this, the adware apart from collecting the personal information of the users, also focuses on manage to register the keystrokes and until keep track of all the websites that visit the person thoroughly .
Whereupon, they get more details about the user’s movements from their computer, to display such advertisements that are so annoying. They also achieve a remarkable system slowdown and cause feelings of instability.
Usually, this type of software is updated automatically and without notifying the user, before that; so may seem invisible in most cases . In addition to that, it should be noted that there are two types of adware and are: legitimate and potentially unwanted.
Of course, the latter are very dangerous because they can obtain data such as the user’s location, as well as their passwords and IP addresses.
Today, this cyber attack is one of the most feared and worse, because it is constantly growing. In this way, ransomware is defined as a very modern and sophisticated type of malware that aims to hijack your data by encrypting or blocking it and then proceed to request a rescue for them .
In order to be able to request a transfer in any digital currency and with it, ensure the user the possibility of avoiding its tracking and location.
In this sense, it is considered as a novel criminal system that hopes to earn money, easily and quickly; through threats . Unfortunately, these can be installed from deceptive links that are added in an email, instant message or from a web page. However, one of the most common methods is through malicious spam that introduces attachments as a trap to obtain links to malicious websites.
In addition to this, it should be borne in mind that ransomware-type malware has the ability to completely block a computer screen and thereby proceed to encrypt the most important files hosted on the system . Taking into account that, there are several kinds of ransomware and the most famous are: encryption ransomware, scareware and screen blockers .
Types of programs and antivirus to defend against computer attacks
In order to detect, block and / or eliminate a virus , several antivirus solutions have been created that will allow you to defend yourself against computer threats that, day after day, can stalk you and significantly affect you if you are a hyperconnected user.
So, to prevent these attacks as much as possible, here are what are the best types of software you can use for it :
Refers to a type of program designed to discover, detect and eliminate malicious or threatening software on a computer , known as spyware. That is, they have the ability to relieve those spy programs that are hidden in the team.
That way, if you use a antispyware on your computer, you will be able to avoid or suppress all the softwares with a tendency to obtain and send confidential information about you to a malicious third party without your prior consent. It should be mentioned that, antispyware works in two ways:
- From the capture of the incoming spy program in real time and once it detects it, try to block it before the program has the opportunity to stay in the root directory or an area specific to the computer.
- The other way it works is using an updateable list of known spyware to protect your computer and instead of blocking the download of malicious software, It is responsible for detecting and eliminating those that have already entered the equipment.
Firewall or Firewalls
This type of solution is defined as a system that prevents unauthorized use and access of your computer . Given that, they are programs that have the main function of restricting the entrance to a certain system and thus, act as a kind of defensive wall. In addition, they have the traffic in and out of a computer in their custody , in order to prevent the execution of any action of doubtful origin.
On the other hand, firewalls can be softwares or hardwares and even a combination of both. Which, are used in conjunction with regular updates of the operating system and also an optimal antivirus software to add more security and protection to the network or to the computer ; taking into account that a firewall is not responsible for eliminating computer virus problems, specifically.
Thus, simply, each message that leaves or enters the Intranet, will go through this tool and in case of not fulfilling certain security criteria, the same will block each message once examined .
They consist of tools responsible for identifying and impeding the execution of pop-ups or pop-up windows that are usually so annoying for users. Well, they are those that arise suddenly and without the user’s own approval while browsing the network.
Taking into account that, generally, in these windows there are several spy programs that hope to usurp the data of people without warning . In addition to that, it is known that there are several types of AntiPopUps and with different results. Since, some of them are more effective than others when detecting pop-up windows.
However, all AntiPopUps classes have the ability to block annoying pop-ups and can notify the user of the number of windows that have been isolated . In addition to this, most of these tools are introduced in antivirus programs, firewalls or firewalls and even in browsers.