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What are the most used keyboard shortcuts for Mac? Complete list 2022

What are the most used keyboard shortcuts for Mac? Complete list 2020

Currently, users focus on having tools and mechanisms at hand that allow them to complete digital actions more quickly and efficiently . For which, the developers of the main operating systems have presented an optimal solution that basically is about keyboard shortcuts.

While it is true, these certain key combinations allow people to work up to 10 times faster on their computer , compared to the way they can manage it using the mouse. In addition, this also has a great advantage around health , since the mouse can cause inflammation of the tendons, for example.

So, so that you use all the necessary shortcuts to perform any action on your Mac computer , in this post we want to present the main and most relevant solutions that there are and of course, which are more used by MacOS customers.

List of the best shortcuts and key combinations to use a Mac computer with the keyboard

Now, it is time to specify all the key combinations that you can use on your Mac, in order to perform any action directly from the comfort of the keyboard and without even touching the mouse.

Next, we detail the main modalities that exist:

Common fast functions (such as copy, cut, paste, etc.)

Funciones rápidas habituales (como copiar, cortar, pegar, etc.)

Quick Finder and system functions

Funciones rápidas del Finder y del sistema

Quick functions to close session, rest and shutdown

Funciones rápidas de cerrar sesión, reposo y apagar

Quick document functions

Funciones rápidas de documentos

Quick functions during Mac boot

Funciones rápidas durante el arranque del Mac

Quick functions for Safari

Funciones rápidas para Safari

How to change and customize keyboard shortcuts in MacOS?

On many occasions, MacOS users themselves may not feel comfortable with the system’s predefined keyboard shortcuts. Therefore, there is a need to know how you can change these and even create key combinations to quickly access the application you want or execute a specific action, but that the operating system has not concreted.

For this, we will take you through the step-by-step steps to modify and customize keyboard shortcuts on your Mac computer Which is very simple:

Access “System Preferences”

Accede a “Preferencias del Sistema”

To start, first of all you must start your Mac computer and log in with your user account , normally. After that, you will have to click on the apple-shaped icon in the upper left corner. Basically, you find it on the left side of the upper taskbar.

When completing the above, you will see a new menu and in it, you have to click on the option “ System Preferences ”.

Click on the “Keyboard” option

Haz clic sobre la opción “Teclado”

Once you access System Preferences, you will come across a new window where you have many options to choose from.

In this sense, you have to select the option “ Keyboard “. Which, will show a new window to speed up this process.

Select” Quick Functions “

Selecciona “Funciones Rápidas”

Located in the new window, you need to access the tab that prints “ Quick Functions ” and is located in the top bar, specifically in the third position.

When you enter this section, what you will have to do is press the selection “ Quick functions of applications ” that you see in the left side menu of the window in question.

Once you click on this option, you will see that other new selections to choose are shown. But, to proceed to modify or create a keyboard shortcut, you just have to click on the “+” icon that you see at the bottom.

It’s time to choose the app in question and add the shortcut

Es momento de elegir la app en cuestión y añadir el atajo

Once you have done the above, automatically, a small window will appear in which you need to select the app you want to change the keyboard shortcut or, use a new custom shortcut.

However, if you prefer the shortcut to work for all the applications you have on your computer, you simply have to select the option “ All Applications “. Now, in the “ Menu title ” field you will have to provide an exact name regarding the action you want to complete with the new keyboard shortcut.

That is, for example, if you want to Rename or rename the file, you simply have to enter the term “ Rename ” or similar.

For its part, in the field that says “ Keyboard Quick Function ” is where you will place the exact keyboard shortcut you want to use to perform such desired action. At the end of this, you have to click on “ Add ” so that the shortcut is personalized in the list that exists.