UPDATED ✅ Another Torrent movie download website that has been banned? ⭐ ENTER HERE ⭐ And discover other alternative pages that are still working online… For now
At this point, there are few who have not used a torrent search engine to enjoy their favorite movies and television series. The same goes for the users who use these sites because allows them to have files with their favorite songs, animes and software on their computers very varied that includes tools and programs of all kinds. Another great utility has to do with the possibility of taking advantage of educational content, since you can download the complete file of all kinds of documentaries.
This is how we see that the pages of this type of downloads have achieved great popularity. And it is that apart from the possibility of enjoying the contents without having to pay absolutely anything, the highest technical quality in audio and video, have allowed these websites to be among the most visited sites by the public from all over the world. Nevertheless, These types of pages are subject to constant scrutiny by the governments of some countries, under the argument of maintaining copyright protection, which has caused some of them to suffer blockages. One of the last to be subject to the measure has been the popular EliteTorrent portal.
This is undoubtedly one of the leading websites in its sector, which is why many users have been left in the air after the persecution that has been imposed in recent months. It is because of that In this article we will present a series of websites of equal quality that are the perfect alternative so you can continue downloading your favorite movies and series without problems.
What happened to EliteTorrent? Does it not work or have they closed?
What began as a blockade by the operators of the EliteTorrent portal, which many users began to bypass in various ways, has given way to a statement by the administrators acknowledging the definitive closure of the website.
Although the news has caused a great impact among Spanish users, a market where EliteTorrent had a captive audience, mainly due to the quality of the content. Nevertheless, the brand as such is not dead, the same portal is still available with the extension .biz instead of .com.
But it is possible that the closure will be definitive soon, so it is convenient that you know other portals so that at the moment of truth you are not left up in the air. Recent events have led us to Elitetorrent.io or EliteTorrent.in is currently operational but… for how long?
List of Best Torrent Websites (P2P) Alternatives to EliteTorrent
It is true that, especially in countries like United States and United Kingdom, the pages of torrent files of movies, music and series They are under severe legislative scrutiny. But even more true is that the growth of the offer remains unstoppable, so you always have alternatives to search for your favorite titles.
Here is a list of some recommendations:
With SeedPeer You have at your disposal a huge and interesting database, which is made up of more than three million files. this platform allows you to find practically everything that is of interest to you in relation to movies, series, software, books, music and more just by typing the desired content in the search bar.
One way to save time is to use the category bar that allows you to speed up the process of finding content whose name you do not remember. Also, allows you to link to other associated torrent sites, a detail that you will surely love. You can also verify the contents before downloading them.
This search engine is specialized in premiere movies and series, which makes it necessary for you to check daily to see if there is something new that interests you. Although not yet well known, we dare to predict that Zooqle Soon it will be in the first places of preference for users, since its material, in addition to being varied, is of the highest quality. Another reason that makes it highly recommended for the Spanish public who are looking to install and have free content, is that it is completely free of invasive advertising.
If you’re one of those people who, above all else, look for confidence coupled with simplicity when downloading content, then torlock.com is made for you. In addition to having movies and series, the platform presents a varied offer that includes documentary files, electronic books, games and software. Its attractive home and careful categorization of content, are linked to a constant updating of all the materialwhich guarantees you to get 100% reliable material.
When you choose the platform Cuevana 2 to obtain your favorite audiovisual material, you join thousands of users around the world who make this their trusted site, since on this website you will find a wide variety of high-quality movies. His long career in this activity is a clear example of his great acceptance by the public. You will be interested to know that you do not need to register to access the content, in addition to the fact that advertising is not very invasive so that you do not have problems when making your downloads.
The nice and clean design of the kickass2.tv platform has led it to have millions of users around the world, who lately are grateful for the elimination of much of the advertising. It is not available in Spanish, but even so it is a site that is worthwhile due to the wide catalog of files of all kinds that can be downloaded. It is also important to note that its content offer is updated every day.
More of 9 million files They wait to be downloaded from the Torrent.tm platform, a mega-page that allows you to enjoy movies, documentaries, games, series, programs and everything you can imagine in terms of audiovisual content. The site is in Englishbut we recommend it because apart from finding what you want, you do it directly by simply typing the file name in the browser.
Like the previous one, the idope.site site is a mega-download page that has 8.5 million files available, of which about half are verified. If you are one of those who are interested in knowing which are the most searched titles, they offer you information about the 50 most downloaded torrents by other users of the platform. Another of its attractions is the ability to share material with other users, with which you can share large files such as games, mp3 files, among others. Do not ignore this recommendation.
This is one of the pages that most draws attention to the care of details in the design of your home. Although you may forget about that when you see its huge database and the unbeatable quality of everything it offers you. We suggest you include it in your bookmarks and check for yourself the ease with which you can access the contents using the search bar, where you will find HD movies, television series, mp3 music, programs and documentaries of all kinds and from all eras. Of course, you should know that this website is not in spanish.
Gnula.is is the site that users should use instead of Estrenosok.com. The place updates its content offer every day, keeping everything organized based on the most popular downloads. In addition, the page has an account on social networks, which allows you to properly monitor the content that is added daily.
No matter what happens, there is no doubt that this page always manages to be present when looking for a site to download torrents of movies and series of all genres, with a quality that needs no introduction. More than enough reason to be the oldest website of its kind in the world.
Part of his success in remaining available for so long lies in the lots of mirrors and proxies of which you can use to access the service without any inconvenience. That and more make it a great option so you don’t miss out on anything related to internet entertainment.
Always keep the legal aspects in mind when downloading torrents
Although it is true that making use of the P2P file sharing technology it is totally and completely legal, some of the files that are exchanged through such technology are protected by copyright. This makes it necessary to clarify that from our site we do not condone the illegal sharing of copyrighted material, we simply give you information so that you know where to find material to download in this way. In that sense, we recommend that you stay alert as this practice has given rise to many lawsuits against both user groups.
Another aspect to take into account is the large number of fake torrents that circulate on the Internet that are a real danger to your computer due to the malware and viruses that they are usually accompanied by. That makes it essential that you install an antivirus to protect your PC, and a VPN to protect your privacy before proceeding to download the contents.