UPDATED ✅ Do you want to know more about the new Facebook streaming platform? ⭐ ENTER HERE ⭐ and Learn Everything ✅ FROM ZERO ✅
East facebook service has become the new bet of the company and with which it seeks to compete directly with platforms such as Twitch. This is how it is a game app for streamers.
In this way with FacebookGaming the gamers will be able create your own live streams of each one of their games, where each one of the users of the portal will be able to play or simply follow their favorite streamers.
However, this application has not yet reached its peak, so it is possible that many people still do not know how it works very well. That is why here we will explain everything related to FacebookGaming.
What is Facebook Gaming and what is this new function of the social network for?
FacebookGaming has become a social network application of Facebook and which has been created to compete directly with other platforms such as YouTube and Twitch. Said service was launched in 2018 as a dedicated game streaming hub and later moved into the world of video game streaming. This is how, with this application, users will be able to play with a selection of games or follow different streamers to see each one of their live broadcasts.
In addition, any user who is part of this platform can become a streamer if they want to, which becomes an opportunity for many to be able to make money through video games. As for how it works, it is very simple. To be able to see all the content of this service, you simply have to navigate within its platform. If you want to access it from your Facebook profile, then you will find it as “Game Video” or you can access from the navigation bar by inserting fb.gg.
On its platform you will find different categories through which you can browse, either by the different games or live broadcasts. All this will allow you to follow your favorite gamers and be aware of each of its transmissions. Best of all, you can watch the streaming totally free without adsalthough payment subscriptions are expected to begin later.
It is important to mention that while the streaming is taking place, viewers will have the opportunity to interact through a chat, as well as show their reactions through emoticons or invite new friends to watch the broadcast. will also be shared official eSports competitions in order to be able to see any content related to the world of video games.
What are the features of the new Facebook gaming platform?
Keep in mind that FacebookGaming is a streaming video platform that is based on the eSports, but we must bear in mind that several years ago Facebook included the games on their platform, but realizing that this feature was lagging behind due to the growth of the eSports industrythey decided to expand their possibilities towards streaming which were only accessible from the web at first.
In this way it can be said that one of the main characteristics or novelties of FacebookGaming currently is that it is already available to be downloaded in the android mobile devices, and it is expected that it will soon be available for iOS devices as well. It should be mentioned that all this has come much earlier than expected, where it is believed that they want to take advantage of the moment to reach many users who are looking for a platform to stream.
And it is that currently there are many people especially young people between 17 and 30 yearss that they are venturing into the world of the videogames, so the interest in this type of site has grown lately, so you want to take advantage of all this. So it is considered that this social network wants to take advantage of all this to reach a wider audience.
In this case the offer fbgaming it alternates between what are the products aimed at esports consumers on Twitch and those who are inclined towards more casual games. It should be noted that Facebook has implemented games in its social network for more than a decade, which managed to have a great engagementand they are still very popular today.
This is how they subsequently launched a live broadcast service to compete directly with the section of Amazon Twitch Gaming, who has been the main rival of this company. according to all this FacebookGaming has become a new alternative for many users, where it offers its users the possibility of being able to play popular titles and be able to access and create streaming from the comfort of your mobile devices.
What do I need to stream on Facebook Gaming and showcase my games?
If you want to start being streaming on facebook gaming and you don’t know how to do it, the first thing you should keep in mind is the requirements that you need to become one of them and thus be able to share each of your games. You must bear in mind that being able to have all the necessary materials to be streaming can cost a little money.
However, here we show you what you need to be a professional streamer:
A PC for streaming
It can be said that this is the most important thing of all when you want to stream with good quality. In this case it is necessary to have a computer that is very powerful to make live transmissions, since you will not be thinking of doing it from a Old PC with few resources. It is important to keep in mind that this type of game consumes a lot of resources on these machines.
Keep in mind that when you record your games you must have a program that is capturing and recording the game and showing it to himself internet time in real time, so all this generates a great consumption that not any equipment will support. Therefore, if you want to stream smoothly, it is necessary for your equipment to have minimum 16 GB of RAM.
Some titles can be transmitted with good quality with a 8GB RAMbut this is not recommended since the vast majority will not run well with this capacity, so it is better to bet a little further, at least double the capacity.
The processor it will require many processing threads, so you should opt for a computer with the enough nuclei to support all the data. The graphics They are also a very important point to take into account since they will allow you to have a good image quality. A 4GB graphics will allow you to make a good streaming with most current games, although the most recommended is one of 6GB or higher.
streaming software
It is also important that you have streaming software that allows you to configure and transmit the stream, for this today you can find different options, but one of the most popular without a doubt is OBS-Studioan open source software that is available for the operating systems of Windows, Linux and Mac.
In this way OBS-Studio It is characterized by its ease of use and for being quite intuitive that will allow you to configure all the elements in detail broadcast technical and visual.
Stable internet connection
If you do not have a stable Internet connection it will simply be impossible for you to start on the streamer world. Therefore, in order to carry out a good transmission, you must necessarily have a stable internet connection, so a cable ethernet network it will be essential. It is also important that you take into account the bit ratewhich determines the amount of resources and Internet connection required to view the broadcast.
In this case the most recommended bitrate to use is between 900 and 1400. In the scene tab you can find all the elements that you want to be shown in your stream, here you must choose the camera and microphone sign that you have connected to the machine, you can also choose other elements and control sound volume both from the game and from your comments during the transmission.
microphones and hearing aid
These two elements are essential when wanting to carry out a live broadcastkeep in mind that the better the audio and sound quality, the better everything will turn out, but if you are starting in this world you can use one of mid-rangesince later when you get a better experience you can improve these types of devices.
Many streaming takes place without a webcam, but keep in mind that this is not very favorable, since when creating a bond with your viewers this will be more difficult, since it is not the same that they see you and that they do not know who you are. Furthermore, in the case of FacebookGaming being able to create a good relationship with the viewers is very important.
In this way it is always recommended to use a webcamIt does not matter that it is not the best quality, but it does show your image clearly. As in the previous case, you can start with a cheap webcam and as you progress you can improve.
a second monitor
And finally you can choose a second monitor, this will greatly facilitate your game since in one of them you can be aware of your game while in the other of your chat. In the stream the new competitors They usually start with a monitor only, but as they advance and gain more experience, it becomes necessary to use a second monitoreven many players usually use up to three monitors.
Can you earn money by live streaming from Facebook Gaming?
The world of streamers has become a job opportunity for many, this is how FacebookGaming is no exception. This is how this platform is also presented as a possibility of earn money through video games, but like any other, users must meet a series of requirements before starting to charge.
In the case of this facebook service are used the stars, which are used to monetize the accounts and the viewers are in charge of donating it to each of the streamers to show their support. In this way, depending on the number of stars received, you will get certain amount of money.
When viewers make the decision to donate a star to the streamer or multiple stars, the gamers will receive 0.01 dollars for each star received, so the sum of all the stars you have will be the amount of money you will get. In the case of users, they can buy stars through a pack that can go between 1.30 and 2 eurosalthough these prices will vary between the desktop and mobile versions.
However, streamers have to meet certain requirements in order to monetize, in this case you must meet the following list:
- Have a video game creator page or in such case transform an existing account into a creator account.
- broadcast live at least two days during the last 14 days.
- broadcast live a minimum of 4 hours during the last 14 days.
- Broadcast from a country that is in the Level Up program, keeping in mind that this is not available in all countries of the world.
- Must have at least an amount of 100 followers.
- will have to comply with the community norms and the monetization policies of the platform.
Once all these requirements are met, then gamers can start monetize with your account. Finally, it should be mentioned that Facebook has confirmed that they will keep a percentage of money that users spend when giving stars to their favorite streamersthis percentage will vary between 5% and 30% based on how many stars they buy to use.
Learn step by step how to use Facebook Gaming to watch or share gaming videos
If you want to start using this platform Facebook and thus be able to become a professional and successful streamers, then here we are going to show you how you can start using this live streaming service So you can view or share each of your games.
To do this, follow in detail each of the methods that we will teach you below:
Watch videos from other streamers
If what you want is to see the videos of others streaming from FacebookGaming, then you should know that in this case you will only have to enter the platform which is free for now and does not have any type of advertisement. To access the video game portal you can do it in two ways, one of them is by entering from your facebook account and selecting the section “Game Video” or through the url address of FB.gg.
When you are already inside the platform you should start browsing it to see the different streaming categories that are available there, here you can find the sections of the most popular game listings that are broadcast as PUBG Mobile, PUBG, Mobile Legends, fortniteamong many others, see live broadcasts and the possibility of following the streamers suggested by the system.
It should be mentioned that the operation is very similar to that of twitch, so users can also start following individual channels, participating in each of the streams, either by commenting on the broadcast or interacting with the rest of the viewers and with your gamers favorites through the chat located on the right side of your screen. Here you will have the opportunity to watch broadcasts of beginners, experts, professionals and eSports competitions.
Best of all, not only will you have the opportunity to see other streamers, but you can also become one of them. creating your own content for the platform. Therefore, if you are interested in starting to explore all this videogames, it is necessary that you have to set up a facebook gaming video creator page.
For this you must follow each of the following steps:
- The first thing you will have to do is go to the page of “Gaming Video Page Builder” from your Facebook profile.
- Next you must specify a name for the page and a category. In this category you must choose “Game Video Creator” since this is what will allow you to join
- The next thing will be to select a profile or cover photo to configure the profile, although if you want you can skip this and do it later, this in case you do not have the perfect photos to place there.
- Now you have to select the option “Send notifications” so that all your Facebook friends can find out that you have already created a new page or simply choose the option “Not now”, but keep in mind that letting people know about this can help you get some followers early on.
- After that you will already have your page configured to start streaming.
Therefore, through this page you will have the opportunity to carry out your live streams, as well as being able to create an audience or community, save previous transmissions, select clips and publish any content that you think is important to your followers.
After configuring everything related to what will be your game video creator profile, you will have to download a transmission software which will allow you to carry out all this, in this case we recommend you download OBS Studio already mentioned above or you can opt for other options like Streamlabs OBS, XSplit, among some others. You must keep in mind that FacebookGaming It will allow you to stream from your computer or from your mobile device using the official app.
In order to make these live broadcasts, you will need to follow each of these steps:
- Go to the creator portal and there you will select the option to “Create Live Stream”.
- Now in the next section you must “Select where you want to publish your live broadcast” there you will need to choose your Game Video Creator page.
- Copy the server url or stream key and then paste it into the settings of the program you are using to stream.
- Then you must select the option “Use a permanent stream key” which will facilitate the retransmission of future streaming.
- In section of “Services” You must select the option Facebook Live.
- From the software that you are going to use for the transmission you must start the stream, there you will see a preview of the stream on the screen, the server url and the steam key. It is important that in this case you tag the game and write a short description of the broadcast for your followers. After all this you must click on “To transmit” for it to happen start of transmission.
List of the best alternatives to Facebook Gaming to stream your games online
As mentioned before, there are other alternatives to FacebookGaming, this is how you can currently find different platforms that will allow you to carry out live broadcasts of each of your games.
Therefore, if you want to try other options other than the one offered by Facebook, then here we present the best alternatives so that you can start streaming your games online:
There is no doubt that this platform has the number 1 position of streaming gaming, and it is that it has become a great social network used and preferred by the majority of the gamers of all the world. In this way it can be said that Twitter is the most popular platform for live streaming your games today.
Twitter It consists of a free platform, but it can also be used under some of its payment plans and it is also compatible with the most popular streaming services, such as OBS.
It also has many functions such as navigation within the platform, playlists, collections, tags, chat, subscribe to channels, among many others. It is worth mentioning that Twitch is a very demanding platform and where you will possibly meet the best streamers so being able to stand out there can be very difficult. This means that you will have to stream constantly if you want to start standing out and getting noticed in the world of streaming.
YouTube Gaming It was launched in 2015 as a way to Google to respond to all the success achieved by Amazon’s Twitter. Since then, this platform has had a great growth due to the fact that it has features and functions that have been very well accepted by the majority of gamers. It should be mentioned that it has many things similar to Twitter And it’s pretty intuitive.
It also allows its users to be able to monetize through advertisements with the association of googleadsense, channel memberships and paid highlights. According to all the boom you’ve got YouTube Gamingit was possible to know in 2020 that Blizzard announces that its tournament broadcasts will go from Twitch to YouTube.
All this without a doubt had a great impact on consumers of eSports. In this way, on this platform you can get a large number of subscribers who have managed to have a greater YouTube stream exposure than in any other.
It is a platform that does not have the same popularity as those mentioned above or FacebookGaming, but which offers very good features and functions. This is how it allows its users to be able to publish or transmit their experiences in the games through videos. The best of all is that for its use you will not have to install any software package to carry out the content transmission.
Therefore, with Insta Gib you will be able to enjoy great services and streaming tools without having to pay anything, although you should know that its free version has its limits, so if you want to succeed As a professional, you may have to acquire some of your payment plans.
Therefore, it can be considered that Insta Gib is the ideal place for those users who are just starting out and want a site with a moderate public. Although it is important to mention that every day there is an increase in the popularity of this platform, since it is being considered as the perfect place to novice players.
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