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Google SERP What is it, what is it for and what kind of results can we find in them?

When we do a search of any content, we get a list of results that is divided into indices. In Google it is something that we can see commonly, in addition to being the search engine of choice for most users.

To these results it is known as SERP, and fulfills wide function bidirectional. When we mention both directions, we are not referring to advantages for normal users, and those who have stores or digital brands.

Today, we will show you what these are really about google results, and what are the different types of SERPs that we can find, as well as we will explain the importance of this topic in the digital world.

What are Google SERPs and what are these pages for?

The SERPs (Search Engine Results Page), are all the results that the search engines like Google at the moment to perform a search. These results are expressed in indexes and are organized according to the best content and best matches with the keywords entered in the search engine. All SERPs are unique, because the search bots, in addition to taking as a reference the keywords that we enter, also assess the location and language used.

A search that you carry out in Spain will not be the same as that of USA. This term is widely related to SEOas search engines use and rely on the same SEO details. Google always seeks to improve and optimize the experience of its users, and for this it is based on new features, such as the amount of visual content and content extension.

Types of results of Google SERPs What can we find in them?

There is more than one type of Google SERP, although the most common is in normal search results, also known as organic. What differentiates one result from another are the criteria used Google to position.

Next, we will explain a little more about the types of SERPs:

Recommended result

Recommended search results are those that are located on the right side of the screen or in the head of the index. The search engine selects the agreed page or sites, which are results that match very exactly with respect to the search.

The intention of Google by showing us these results, it is help us in our investigation, so that it is more optimal. The criteria that bots use for positioning corresponds to the content extension, images, keyword matching and the number of clicks given by users when they do related searches.

Related questions


This is a small box that Google offers us within the organic index, whose objective is to give solution or response to our concerns. The type of results that it offers us, does not always coincide exactly with our Keywords. However the idea of ​​these results is show other alternatives, asking different questions but with a small relationship with each other.

Sponsored results

snake ad

Sponsored results are those for which Google users pay to appear in the head of all searches, getting a great advantage over organic results. These results are always identified with the word Google Ads o Ads, and the criteria that bots take for their appearance, are those detailed during the contract, such as the scope and the Defined keywords.

Search results

organic search

Search results, too are known as organic searches, named in this way because they are the SERPs obtained by doing a search simple, and its positioning is due to the valuation carried out by the Google algorithm. The positioning obtained by each page in the SERPs of organic searches is not constant, since varies by match with the keywords and the relevance of the uploaded content, including videos and images.

How important are SERPs for SEO today?

As a consequence of the great popularity that the Internet and search engines have gained, many of the companies have found themselves with the need to seek visibility in this digital world, being the SERPs an especially essential element for the positioning and high recognition of the brand.

The great importance of SERPs is reflected in different fundamentals, such as:

Ranking primacy

The SEO it’s based on optimize content so that an excellent positioning can be obtained in the SERP. As we know, users typically do not search beyond the second Google index, so not being well positioned is like be completely invisible. For this reason the SERP must be the essence or foundation of SEO. It is useless to invest for a hosting and domain, if our content, products or stores will not be displayed.

Business visibility and Branding

Users when looking to buy products on the Internet, do different searches to get a better list of options, but this is not always beneficial for our store, unless we have a properly optimized content. Although the SEO does not always give us constant results in the SERP, the correct use of this and the Keywords, can help us to have a appearance in searches, expanding the recognition of our brand (branding), whose consequence will be more traffic and therefore more customers.

Credibility to your business

Know the SERP and SEO is highly valuable, because to achieve the objectives set our work should revolve around the first Google index. Although Google shows us more than five indexes, in most cases users only use the first one for their research, because they give it total trust to google algorithm.

The algorithm is based on offering us the most relevant results and according to the Keywords investigated in the first index. Based on this, users usually use the first result for your investigations. In conclusion, and although it sounds redundant, users give more credibility and trust to the pages that appear in the first search result, a detail that we must take into account when we want increase our audience.

Click-through or CTR

The great SEO experts consider that in order to improve positioning, the CTR obtained on the pages, as it influences the visibility of the sites. In other words, in the SERP.

The CTR is the measurable interaction for each click obtained on the pages, indicator that takes into account the algorithm of Google to consider that our contents have a lot of value. It is also based on the bounce rate and duration of people on the site. With this metric we will not only obtain a better position in the top 10, but also a record of the evolution and scope of our digital business.

Return on investment

In our most recent studies we have found that ROI (Return on Investment) looks very influenced with a good SEO-SERP strategy, because it generates greater impact and turns out to be a more feasible advertisement than any other offline or online sponsorship. The relationship that exists between SEO and the SERP is highly important. We cannot exclude this issue, since if we want our brand to be recognized, we must be visible in the eyes of the cyber population.