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How to cancel my subscription from my Netflix account forever? step by step guide

UPDATED ✅ Do you want to Delete your most famous streaming service account? Need to cancel Netflix membership and don’t know? ⭐ ENTER HERE ⭐ and discover all the Answers

Watching television is something that is changing greatly in the last decade. With the Internet sneaking into every possible home and device, people are changing their tastes when it comes to consuming audiovisual content, betting more and more on the immediacy and facilities provided by the network of networks. This paradigm of evolution is where it enters the netflix proposala video-on-demand platform that has some of the best current series and also includes a good cast of movies, programs and documentaries for all possible tastes and audiences.

The truth is that his approach, on paper, is quite good. However, there are those who, after trying it, prefer the solutions offered by other firms such as Rakuten, Sky, Amazon, HBO or other names that also move through the networks. The proposal in this field is increasingly broad and each brand that joins the competition offers different and exclusive content that can attract more or less different sectors.

In fact, We also explain a way to do it without having to pay anything and how, if you don’t do it on time, you will have to pay for other months. This system is something with a monthly payment, and knowing how and when to move to clear yourself is very important.

Different ways to unsubscribe from Netflix permanently

This difference, in addition to the rates and the possible changes that are coming, may be the main reason why someone is encouraged to know how to cancel your subscription from your netflix account. This guide you are in will help you learn to carry out this process and carry it out easily. we are going to give you all possible guidelines and alternatives to request removal from the Netflix platform and remove your account completely so you don’t have to pay more for the services of this company.

The desire to watch series or movies on Netflix is ​​over, so it’s time to unsubscribe. In this section we are going to explain all the ways that are currently available and, of course, what you need to do in each situation.

Cancel by phone

You can make a simple call and, from it, carry out the process to request the cancellation of your Netflix account and carry it out. The process is as simple as we are going to tell you right now:

900 866 616 Phone number cancel Netflix

  • With your mobile phone, or even landline, you just have to make a call to this number: 900 866 616. Its about free number to request to be unsubscribed from Netflix.
  • Once they serve you, you will have to request to delete your user account. You will have to give additional data such as the access email, your name and, probably, something related to the payment, such as your bank details.
  • after calling, your profile will have been deleted.

In the event that you have contracted Netflix services as part of a package offered by Vodafone or other companies, you will have to call the corresponding service number to request to be discharged. It is not complicated and, in addition, they will offer to carry out the procedure quickly so that there are no complications.

Cancel Netflix from the SmartTV

on the smart tvalthough there is an application to run Netflix without problems, the best option is to enter the web portal from the company via the TV’s built-in browser. This is what you have to do:

  • With the TV on, open the web browser incorporated entering the smart menu from the television.
  • Once inside, enter the address Netflix website URL in the bar enabled for it, use this:
  • when you’re in it, you must log in with your user profile. It’s time to use your email and, along with it, the key you will register to limit access. Fill in both fields and proceed to finish entering.

Netflix account login form

  • Now, you have to click just above your username and then do the same with the section “Your account”.

Access your Netflix account to unsubscribe

  • Within this, you need to look for the option “Cancel streaming plan”. Once you give her with her, you just have to press the button“Cancel Membership”

Cancel Netflix account membership

  • On the next screen, after seeing all the information displayed, you need to click on “To accept” either “Finish cancellation” to show your agreement with the account cancellation terms.

Confirm withdrawal from Netflix

  • Then, you will receive an email in the email account linked to your user profile on this platform. Keep it for the future to avoid problems if they arise.

This same process can be carried out from the PC or from a smartphone, as long as you have a supported web browser. Its steps are easy and standard, so any platform with an internet connection and a way to visit online portals will have the opportunity to take advantage of it in case you want to delete your profile.

Via iTunes for iOS devices

On iOS terminals, the itunes platform it is the one in charge of managing all the multimedia content that moves in them. Therefore, it also has a lot to say regarding Netflix. We are going to explain the steps to follow to request the cancellation of your account through this option:

Cancel Netflix subscription through iTunes for iOS devices

  • First, go to the menu “Settings” from the home screen of your iPhone or iPad.
  • Within this settings menu, you need click on your name to access your account data.
  • Once this is done, click now on the section of “iTunes Store and App Store”.
  • Inside it, you have to go where your AppleID and then press on “View Apple ID”. You will probably be asked for specific information to log in and verify your identity.
  • Now inside this new screen, click on the “subscriptions”.
  • In this section, you have to look for the section “Netflix” and select it. When your options appear, scroll down until you reach the “Cancel subscription”.
  • Next, press “Confirm” and you will have finished removing your subscription to this service.

*In the event that Netflix does not appear in the list of services connected to your Apple IDit is likely that you have confused the account or that, on the contrary, you subscribed directly through the platform of this company instead of using the Apple system.

If you If the latter happens, you will have to look for another alternative other than the one we have suggested or resort to the previous section, that is, to enter through the main website of the streaming platform. It is the only possible way if you have not linked your Netflix account with your Apple account.

Delete Netflix account after free month

When you request the Netflix free trialyou have the opportunity to go ahead without paying anything and even ask to unsubscribe even before the end of the trial month. In this way, you will continue to see all the contents of this platform and, when the deadline arrives, the service will be closed until you pay.

Nevertheless, you may want to unsubscribe and delete the account after this free period. Then, you also need to know that you will be charged for each passing monthbut that, once you ask to remove the profile, you will no longer have to pay anything else. Now, we explain how to proceed:

Delete Netflix account after free month

  • Open a web browser from your PC or your mobile phone. In it, go to the address bar to enter the URL of the Netflix home page. That is, the following:
  • When you are inside, go to the upper right corner and press the button in red with the text “Log in”.
  • In the entry form, you can enter the registered email along with the access code or, on the contrary, press the “Login with Facebook”. Whichever option you choose, you will have to provide the requested information and then press the “Log in”.
  • Then, and already inside the platform through your account, go to the upper right corner and click or leave the mouse on the avatar of your account. In the drop-down menu that will now appear, you will have to press the option “Bill”.
  • Now, you are inside the settings panel of your user profile. You just have to press the button “Cancel subscription” that appears on the left.
  • The system will ask you if you are sure to continue. In that case, just press the blue button with the text “Complete cancellation” and you will be done with the procedure.

It is necessary to remember that, if you do not do this process before the end of the trial month, Netflix will charge your account for the amount equivalent to the following month of service. Therefore, it is convenient for you to leave it done in case you do not want to pay more and only spend 30 days trying and seeing the contents that this system offers you.
