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How to change the format of a file in Windows 8 from scratch? Step by step guide

Before changing the format of a archive in Windows 8, you must take into account some concepts, since you could damage it and lose the data it contains. Also, You will have to know the steps you must do to correctly change the extension in the name.

For this reason, we have prepared this article so that find all the information you need so you can modify the files from your computer without any problem.

Too You can find in the following paragraphs the best online platforms that will help you when changing the format successfully and in a few steps.

What to keep in mind when changing a file format or extension?

When you do a change in extension or format of a file you can make the mistake of disabling it, since the data could change its structure. This will make you unable to read the new format, even if you use the correct programs for it.

Learn step by step how to change the format of a file in Windows 8

In order to change the format of a file you will have to configure the Windows Explorer so that the extensions of the corresponding format appear in each file name. You can do this if you open the Windows Explorer, you go to the tab View, you select Choices and you click Change folder and search options.

In the new window you will have to go to the tab See, look for the box Hide file extensions for known file types and disable it. Next, you will have to click on Apply and then on To accept. This way you can view the extension of all files that will tell you what type of format they have. Therefore, it only remains to choose the extension you need to carry out the necessary steps to change the format of a file in W8.

Let's see below:

Video to Audio

The most used video formats that you can find are AVI, FLV, MKV, MOV, MP4, MPEG4 and WMV, while the audio ones are AIFF, AU or WAV and also the ATRAC, FLAC, MP3, SHN, TTA and WMA. In this way, you can find any of the aforementioned formats in the browser and then convert them to the ones we indicate. To do this you will have to go to the file and then select Save as. You must choose the name accompanied by the new extension. To finish, you will have to click on save.

From Audio to Text

You will have to do the same steps that we indicated in the previous point, but in this case you will have to change the name of the file to formats with the extension DOC, DOCX or TXT.

Between images

In this case you can open the image and at the time of saving, you will have the option to choose in the field Type from the file explorer the new format you want to give to the image. Remember that the most used extensions in images are BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PDF, PNG, PSD and TIFF.

Word to PDF

Word to PDF

When you have finished writing your document in Word, you can save it in format PDF. For this you will have to go to the tab Archive, select the option Save as and write the name of the file. Next, you will have to press the arrow that is in the field Type so that a menu is displayed with all the options you have available.

You will have to find the format that suits you best, in this case PDF. In case you decide to do it the other way around, that is to say PDF to Word, you will have to select the whole document by pressing at the same time Ctrl + E and then copy it. Next, you will have to open a new text document and paste it.

From PDF to Excel

You will have to do the same steps as for Word, but this time you will have to open a new excel spreadsheet and paste the content document PDF.

From a backup file to a spreadsheet

When you generate a backup or backup a file with extension BAK. This can only be read by the SW, but this does not mean that you cannot read it because you can convert it into a Excel. For this, you will have to go to File Browser and find the file with extension BAK, then you will have to click on Save as and change the extension to EXE.

List of the best online tools to convert files to another format in Windows 8

We will show you below the best online tools so you can convert files without Windows 8 and without having to download any executable.

Let's get started:

It's easy to use, you just have to drag the image you want to convert within the control panel and after a few seconds you will have a file in format JPG. You can also choose the size, colors and type of orientation you want. If you need to install it on your computer Windows 8 you can do it for free. Also, if you want to work with another type of format in the results, you will have to choose which type you prefer.

Audio converter

This platform is ideal to obtain the audio of a video in a few steps. You will be able to choose the quality you want to download your file for free and edit it with the best tools. It is characterized by having a very simple to understand interface, so any user can make use of this tool. The most important thing of all is that you can upload your video from your computer Windows 8 or from the cloud and your data will be 100% safe.

With this online tool you will be able to convert your PDF files into Word documents just by entering the link from the cloud or dragging the file to a specific area of ​​the web. You will have a 14-day free trial in which you will be able to know the storage capacity and all the editing functions. It is considered by many as one of the more secure that exist today due to their data encryption policy.