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How to delete a channel in Slack correctly, quickly and easily? Step by step guide

To generate an efficient communication flow in a work group, it is necessary to create channels, which will deal with different themes and will be developed to meet a specific objective.

If for any reason you want to permanently delete a Slack channel, it will be necessary for you to know when you should delete it to obtain benefits and why would you have to.

This information can be found in the following paragraphs of this article where you can also We will teach you the step by step to delete a channel from Slack correctly so that it does not appear anymore. Check out.

When and why should you remove a channel from Slack?

Slack It is a platform that allows generating a fairly efficient flow of communication between the different members of a company. This is because in a workspace it is possible to divide into several channels, which deal with specific topics to carry out specific projects.

Channels take up virtual storage space on the platform, so if you have a free version that memory capacity will be less. For this reason, if a project ends it is a good idea to remove that channel to save space in the cloud. But this is not all, when you meet the objective set it is also convenient to eliminate the channel to improve the organization of Slack within the task group. In this way each member will find the current messages more easily.

Learn step by step how to remove a channel from Slack correctly so that it does not appear to you anymore

You must bear in mind that deleting a channel is not the same as archiving it, since with this last function the conversation history will be saved, but no one will be able to add a new activity to it. Instead, when you delete a channel all conversations disappear. For this reason you must be careful if you want to recover the chat in the future because with the steps that we will show you below you will not be able to do it, but if you decide to archive the channel.

Learn the steps you will need to do to correctly delete a Slack channel so that it no longer appears:

Choose the channel you want to delete

The first thing you should do is open workgroup, if you have more than one. You will find this option in the upper left part of your screen with the initials of the name that has been given to the task space. Next, you will be able to observe two sections a call Direct messages and the other, located higher than the previous one, called Channels. Click on this option to display the list of all the channels that you have active. From that listing you must choose the channel you want to delete.

Click on the Delete this channel option

Click on the Delete this channel option

When you have found the channel you want delete you will have to select it by clicking on it. After this a tool will open in which you will choose More options…, this will take you to a new list in which you must scroll the window until you find Delete this channel, deleting a channel will erase all its messages forever.

It cannot be undone. On mobile devices you will find this function through the icon and trash can. Once you have chosen this function Slack will ask you if you are sure you want to execute this task, so you must click on the option Yes.

Tips to take better advantage of Slack and be more productive within the platform

We will show you below how to get the most out of Slack and be more productive within the platform. Pay attention to the following tips that will help you become a true expert.

Let’s get started:

Use keyboard shortcuts

Slack offers you the possibility of use the keyboard to access different functions and in this way save time in your work.

Below, you can find the most important shortcuts when using the platform from a computer with Windows or Linux operating system:

  • For compose a new message, you will have to press Ctrl + N.
  • Explore the channels of your workspace, for this you will have to press Ctrl + Shift + L.
  • If what you are looking for is go to the next channel or direct message you will have to choose the keys Alt and then press the right directional arrow (End).
  • When you need access the channel training panel you must hold down the keys Ctrl + Shift + I.
  • For hide or see the left sidebar you will have to click on Ctrl + Shift + D.
  • Change the workspace pressing Ctrl + Shift + Tab, but if you have Linux you will have to press Ctrl + Shift + [.
  • Si quieres abrir la función Mensajes sin leer vas a tener que elegir las teclas Ctrl +Shift + A.

En cambio, si deseas trabajar en Slack con tu Mac podrás utilizar estos atajos: 

  • Para ir a una nueva conversación vas a tener que elegir las teclas Command (o CMD o , de acuerdo con la versión de tu teclado) + K.
  • Pulsa en Command + Shift + K cada vez que quieras navegar por los mensajes directos.
  • A las menciones y reacciones las vas a ver si tocas al mismo tiempo las teclas Command + Shift + M.
  • Aprieta la tecla Alt y elige un mensaje para marcarlo como no leído.
  • Muévete al espacio de trabajo anterior o posterior utilizando la combinación Command + Shift + [ o⌘ + Shift + ], respectively.
  • Anytime edit a message you will have to select it and then press the key AND.
  • If what you are looking for is share a conversation choose the letter S after clicking on it.

Find people easily

Once you you have created the workspace and assigned one or more channels, what you should do is include people who work in your organization.

To do it efficiently follow these steps:

  • When you have open the channel go to the top left of your screen and look in the sidebar for the tool Plus, represented with 3 points.
  • Click on People and user groups.
  • Write the email address, the hierarchical position or the username that you have in Slack.
  • If you see many results in the list, use the function Filter.
  • Click on the profile picture of the person you are looking for.

On the other hand, if you want to find a user from your mobile, do the following:

  • Go to the tab Start.
  • Then, slide your finger across the screen to the right. This will bring up the main menu.
  • Choose the tool People.
  • Then find the user according to the steps that we show you before when you do it from a computer and continue with the process.

Create channels efficiently

One of the most common mistakes what organizations do when communicating through the Slack platform is to create as many channels as possible topics can be included. This means that each time an objective or issue arises that they do not know in which space to place it, they create a new channel. With this work model confusion and organizational noise are generatedSince the other members will not know where to read or add new comments because there are channels with similar names and objectives.

For example, if you have already created a channel called general avoid including others called Miscellaneous Issues, New Issues, or Miscellaneous Content. Further, It is recommended that the creation of the new channels is carried out by a single person to administer the working group in Slack. This will also prevent any member, when in doubt, from creating a new communication channel.

Sync external apps with Slack

Sync external apps with Slack

What you can do if you want to improve productivity in Slack is to include external platforms so that they synchronize every time you work on any of them. You can do this with Gmail, Calendar, Drive, Trello and Twitter, among others.

For this you will have to go to the workspace located on the left side of the screen and then select the option Applications. This will allow you to see a list of all the apps that you can synchronize with Slack, so you can choose one or more by clicking on the button Add. Your browser will then open with your chosen application. To finish the task click Add to Slack.

Create a to-do list

Create a to-do list

If what you need is to have all the jobs and tasks that you have not done yet in one place and keep track of conversations with your teammates, You must create a note to include pending orders. You can distribute this list with other users through a link or using the function Share from Slack.

For this, you will have to generate a note as a checklist, so the steps you will have to do are:

  • Login to Slack from your computer.
  • Head to any conversation and click on the lightning icon located at the beginning of the message body.
  • This will open automatically a new window in which you must include title and add content.
  • When you are done you can choose if you want to share with other users, by pressing the button Share, send a link so that other people can access this list.