UPDATED ✅ Want to shop on Amazon using your PayPal account balance? ⭐ ENTER HERE ⭐ Learn Everything! FROM ZERO! ⭐
PayPal has become one of the most popular payment methods of users when they want to perform online shopping such as Amazon.
However, this sales platform does not accept PayPal paymentsso users are forced to look for other alternatives or means to be able to make purchases with their PayPal balance.
That is why we will explain below why Amazon does not accept this payment method and what methods you can start using to buy in this store with this wallet, To do this, follow in detail everything that we will teach you in the post.
Why doesn’t Amazon accept PayPal?
There is no doubt that PayPal is one of the most popular payment systems in the world, so not being able to make payments with this wallet in amazon It is very frustrating for most users. However, no official reason is known why this online commerce does not accept this means of payment to its customers.
Although no justified reason for the store is known, it is believed that one of the most likely reasons is because Amazon has its own alternative to PayPal payment, as it is AmazonPay. It is a means of own payment where the platform provides greater security to the buyer in case the sale has a problem.
Another reason has been that PayPal has been eBay for many yearsa direct competitor of Amazon, so this trading giant will not use any tools of its main competitor. Main reason why also creator su own payment wallet.
Learn how to buy on Amazon with PayPal
If you have a PayPal account with available balance and want buy on amazon, then you should know that all is not lost. Luckily, there are some ways that will allow you to make purchases in this online commerce using your wallet balance.
To do this, follow each of the methods that we will explain below:
Buying an Amazon gift card with PayPal
The easiest way to be able to buy on Amazon using your PayPal money is through a gift card either gift card as it is also known. You can buy it from eBay, so you can take advantage of the fact that PayPal is the main payment method of this platform. In addition, this can also benefit you since many of the users who sell these cards usually sell them for a lot. less money than they actually cost, so you may be getting a savings on your future purchases.
Therefore, with the amazon gift cards You will be able to make purchases in the store in a very simple way. In addition, the delivery of these cards is almost immediate and they do not usually charge the shipment. So you can start using it for all your purchases on Amazon.
To buy the Amazon gift card just follow these steps:
- Enter the official platform
. - Once there you will write in the search engine located at the top “amazon gift card” and click the button “Search”.
- now in all the options that appears on the screen, select the one you like.
- A new window will open with all the product data and its description. There you must select the button “Buy now”.
- If you haven’t yet signed in to eBaythen it’s time to do it or if you don’t have an account then you can Sign up. Please note that to buy in eBay you must be part of their community.
- Once you log in, the purchase data will appear, so you will have to enter your PayPal account to make the payment. Once done, they will indicate the procedure to follow to receive your card of amazon giftwhich usually send it immediately.
With PayPal Debit Card
Another way of buy on amazon with paypal is requesting the PayPal debit card. By having this debit card, which works the same as the cards issued by banking institutions, you can start making buy online normally, either amazon or any other online store.
In addition, this will allow you to convert your account from PayPal in an account of savings on the Internet. Nevertheless, Before requesting the debit card, you must make sure that it is available for your country.
Alternatives to Amazon to buy online using PayPal
If you want to do some purchases online using your PayPal accountso here we are going to leave you some alternatives to amazon where if you can make the payment directly from this wallet.
To do this, follow the list that we show you below:
It is a British retail store dealing mainly in the articles and products of fashion and cosmetics so much for mens What women. Here you will be able to find a large number of items to buy directly with PayPalso you will not have to be doing any additional method for it. ASOS has become a well-known virtual store throughout Europe for offering very extensive catalogs of merchandise, which are mainly aimed at a young and adult audience.
It is one of the most famous apps in the world and where you can buy chinese products of all kinds at a very low price. Here you will find a wide variety of merchandise so it becomes a very good alternative to amazon when buying online. Best of all, it allows you pay directly with PayPal, so your payment process will be much more comfortable and faster. Also, as it is a mobile application you will have the opportunity to have your purchases much closer to you.
Steam is another of the shopping websites where you can use PayPal as a payment method. Therefore, if you are a fan of video games, you cannot miss the opportunity to make your best purchases from this digital store. It is a platform of video game distribution which has been developed by Valve Corporation.
Likewise, Steam offers you one protection against hacking so each of your purchases will be completely safe. Also, Here you will find a very wide catalog of video games, so it is worth visiting this online store.
As already mentioned throughout the post, eBay is a platform that will allow you to make purchases directly with PayPal, a platform that until 2015 was under his supervision, but despite no longer being so, it is still his main means of payment. Also, eBay is considered the main direct competition from amazonso you can try to search for the products you need directly on this platform and thus make payments more easily and quickly.
It’s about a United States eCommerce which is responsible for offering a wide variety of products from the largest stores in the world such as eBay, Amazon, Walmart, among many others. What becomes a great alternative when it comes to wanting to buy items that are in Amazon, but that you can not use PayPal. so in shopmia You will have the opportunity to use this payment method without any problems or additional costs.