UPDATED ✅ Do you want to reactivate LinkedIn premium subscriptions to take advantage of its benefits again? ⭐ ENTER HERE ⭐ and Learn Everything FROM ZERO!
Today, it is no secret to anyone that, LinkedIn is defined as the main professional social network that exists. That is why hundreds of millions of users worldwide choose create a profile on this platform for showcase your job skills and abilitiesin order to attract potential stakeholders or your target audience.
In this sense, LinkedIn Reveals Remarkable Professional Advantagesthanks to the fact that it works much better than a CV and contains multiple functionalities or utilities that allow you to get the most out of the social network as a meeting point for professionals from all fields. One of these utilities is based on LinkedIn Premium.
Thus, the premium membership on LinkedIn It is a service that allows obtaining extra data of great importance to fine-tune any marketing strategy. For this reason, many users decide to reactivate their subscription after canceling it, but they do not know how to proceed and here, we will explain how to do it correctly.
Learn step by step how to reactivate the Premium subscription of your LinkedIn profile
Fortunately, reactivating a premium account subscription at any profile of the professional social network, is the most efficient method there is to avoid having to enter billing information again. So that users can once again enjoy the advantages of this type of account, in a faster way.
However, before doing so, it is necessary to take into account certain aspects of interest. One of them deals with the loss of certain information, given that Candidates and prospects from any previous subscriptions you have purchased will not be accessible. This, for security reasons for community members.
For its part, regarding InMailswe limit that all those that have not been used will not be returned because you will have a new allocation of this type of messages for the type of subscription you choose (Premium Career, Premium Business, Sales Navigator Professional or Recruiter Lite). It will even be necessary reset the settings again, according to your preferences.
Having clarified all of the above, it is time to specify the steps that you must carry out in order to re-enable the premium subscription in your LinkedIn account, easily and correctly:
- First, go to the official website of LinkedIn and enter your account details correctlyto enter it.
- Once you are in the feed part, click on the “I” icon found on the top page of that panel.
- Followed by that, among the available options, click on the one that indicates “Premium subscription settings” within the dropdown menu.
- To end, look for the corresponding option to reactivate your premium account on the social network and ready.
It should be noted that, after that and directly from the same sectionyou can check your subscription renewal date, view its status, check the date and amount of your next payment, view your purchase history and manage your payment methods. In addition to, other options such as: cancel your subscription, see how many InMail messages you have left, etc..
How long do I have to reactivate my subscription after canceling it?
According to certain sources of information, despite LinkedIn provides the option to reinstate a premium subscription after canceling it certainly is governed by some rules or limitations for it. Among these restrictions, we highlight the estimated time that users have to carry out this process.
So basically LinkedIn allows you to reactivate premium accounts during the first 20 days fulfilled after having carried out the cancellation of any subscription. In addition to this, it is important to make sure to update expired billing information within 5 days of the renewal date.