Cybersecurity or computer security refers to the area based on computing and telematics that, mainly, is aimed at protecting the computing infrastructure and everything related to it. So, it is the loaded of safeguard the information contained in a computer or circulating through computer networks.
In this sense, one of its main points is about protecting the integrity and privacy of data, both in storage and in transit. Therefore, it is essential to make said information of users more secure, since it mainly aims to ensure data security before acquiring it.
But, What are personal data and what are they for? This is one of the biggest questions for users in the digital environment. Reason why, through this post, we will explain said information and also make known What is the Organic Law on Data Protection in Spain?, how the websites protect said data, what are the main risks on the Internet for them and various tips of interest.
What is personal data and what is this information for?
Basically, personal data is defined as all data related to a living, identified or identifiable natural person. Since, they are based on the information capable of identifying, describing and specifying a certain individual, both directly and indirectly.
In this sense, it should be noted that, personal data may be made up of the following indicators, for example: Name and surname, national identification document number, social security number, home address, location data, email address, wealth, data held by a hospital or doctor, the identifier of a cookie, the identifier of phone advertising, your photos, etc.
For its part, on the Internet, personal data serve for advertising purposes by the numerous companies that operate on the network. With which, simply, they can locate you and offer you products or services that fit your requirements, according to your movements on the Internet. However, such information it is also useful for hackers who want to benefit from your information for criminal purposes.
Organic Law on Data Protection What is it and what is its function in Spain?
Also known as “Organic Law on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights” (LOPDGDD), it is a preliminary bill that was presented in mid-2017 before the Council of Ministers and was approved with the aim of reflect the new rights of Spanish citizens.
In this way, it consists of a Spanish organic law whose purpose is, protect the processing of personal data and guarantee the protection of the fundamental rights of natural persons, in favor of defend your personal and family privacy, as well as your privacy. With which, it fulfills its purpose of adapting the legislation of Spain to European regulations. Thus, its function in the Spanish territory is based on safeguard the privacy and integrity of individuals.
Regulating the obligations of the same in all data transfer process to be able to certify the exchange security. Considering that, for this, it considers as personal data any information in text, audio or image that facilitates the identification of a user. In the same way, the Organic Law on Data Protection in Spain focuses on establishing a legislative framework for ensure the protection of personal data on the Internet.
Reason why, add some essential points to take into account, such as:
- The right to be forgotten: In order to privilege the defense of privacy and protection of the data that are provided through the Internet. Thanks to this, each Spanish user will be able to demand or claim the deletion of your personal information present in online search engines or social networks.
- The right to internet neutrality: Due to this fixed parameter, no Internet provider may make an offer based on economic or technical discrimination. This means that all information traffic circulating through the network will have to be done in a transparent way and without payment of fees by individuals.
In case of breach the LOPDGDD in Spain, those punished will assume the consequences according to the degree of seriousness of their acts.
Taking into account that this law has classified the sanctions for non-compliance into three categories, which are:
- Very seriousHow to use user data for purposes other than those indicated, demand a payment to have access to personal data, transfer information internationally without establishing guarantees, misinform any eventuality to the affected party, etc.
- Serious: How to collect data from a minor if the relevant consent, the lack of a Data Protection Delegate, the non-protection of information with organizational and technical measures.
- Mild: All other infractions that exist.
How do websites protect the data of their users?
Currently, websites that operate on the network are required to avoid sale, distribution or lease to third parties of the personal information of the users. So they also need acquire the explicit consent of each user In order to collect your personal data and even, they will have to communicate the purposes for which said information will be used.
In addition to this, the legal websites on the network, make use of protective technologies to achieve increase the security of user information, in case there are cracks around it. These technologies include: firewall, antivirus, antispyware and keys for software protection, for example.
Additionally, also use development techniques that meet the security criteria for all software. But, on many occasions, this is not enough against the many risks that exist on the Internet regarding the handling of personal data of users. Therefore, each person must be aware of it and take sides on your own, in order to obtain greater protection of your confidential information.
What are the main risks to your personal data on the Internet?
As we mentioned in the previous part, today, there are numerous threats on the Internet, especially when it comes to the personal information of users. Therefore, for the latter to be aware of the importance of acquiring optimal protection on the network, it is necessary to know what are these risks.
That is why below, we name the main:
- Phishing: Also known as “identity fraud”, is one of the biggest threats in the digital environment. Since, it is a system through which cyber criminals do everything possible to deceive the user in order to acquire your personal data and thus carry out the attack. Especially in users’ bank accounts.
- Pharming: It refers to a type of cyberattack through which an attempt is made to redirect web traffic to a fraudulent site so that users enter a certain domain name, believe that they are browsing the indicated page and enter your data and access codes to your bank accounts. Since, in most cases, they try to imitate or create a duplicate of a bank’s website.
- Ransomware: It is possible that this type of virus stalks your computers and prevents you from accessing your personal information in the form of kidnapping. Well, so that you can recover said data, the malicious software demands the payment of a certain amount of money to restore the functioning of the system and release your private information.
- Ease of tracking: When you share your personal information on any web portal, in most cases, you reveal your home address or location. Therefore, if it is a fraudulent website, the attackers they will have the data to locate you and commit a completely dangerous crime.
- Data loss: It is also possible that users who share personal data on the network, are victims of loss or theft. Therefore, they will lose confidential information of interest, without even realizing it.
Tips to protect your personal data and prevent third parties from accessing them without your consent
To conclude, it is valuable to emphasize certain recommendations or advice through which you can maximize the security of your personal data in order to prevent other people from accessing them without your approval and thus, avoid being victims of the risks mentioned in the previous part of the post.
Without further ado, we highlight what those admonitions are:
- Do not access suspicious websites that can steal your credentials or passwords and even install spyware on your devices. For this, you must check that a padlock icon is displayed in the area of your address URL. Otherwise, it means that it is not a secure website.
- Do not reveal your personal information do not carry out commercial transactions on unsafe web pages. These, in addition to being identified with the padlock icon, also contain a letter “S” after the “HTTP” of your link.
- Install firewall in order to prevent a subject from accessing your computer and, by means of malicious software, stealing valuable information (passwords, bank accounts, credit cards, etc.).
- Make use of a pseudonym, instead of using your real name on the Internet. Well, with this you can make sure not to reveal your identity easily on the network, unless it is strictly necessary.
- Download and use antivirus programs on your computersespecially those that are capable of detecting spyware, phishing or ransomware, for example. In this way, you will provide an extra layer of security to your confidential information.
- It is important that, always choose use an up-to-date web browser to access your online bank accounts, open your social portals, search for information, etc.
- It is also essential what, you focus on keep the operating system of your computer, smartphone or tablet updated with which you surf the net. Since, if not, it will be easier for hackers to enter it.