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Tik Tok What is it, what is it for and how can I use it to boost my business?

Since the emergence of social networks, different generations are moving from one to another every certain amount of time.

In the first years, platforms such as MySpace, Orkut or hi5 emerged, until reaching Facebook which is one of the most popular. But it is said that when young people see that their parents share the same social network, they choose to innovate and switch to a new one.

Well it happened. And over the years, young people became part of the Snapchat ranks, after Instagram, and today A novel network called Tik Tok. In case you do not know it, here we will tell you a little about what this is about.

What is Tik Tok and what is this new social network for?

This makes sense, since allows sharing short videos with music content or whose main characteristic is audio. The format in which the videos are viewed is very similar to that of the "stories" of Instagram, with the only difference that in this new network last up to 1 minute. In turn, it is possible to create, edit and upload selfies or films that are you can add text, audios or music backgrounds.

In addition, you have the option of add special effects, filters, augmented reality features and Artificial Intelligence. The possibilities of editing of the videos are higher than in other social networks, thus allowing a display of creativity that attracts the youngest. In this way, the content has a high probability of viralization and powerful. As for the social feature of this platform, works very similar to Instagram.

It makes it possible to continue friends, influencers or celebrities as well as allowing you to have followers. It is possible to send private messages, create friend lists or even put voting. Surely you have seen in Instagram or Facebook videos with watermarkIt is notable to note that there is also the option of share content outside the platform.

Finally, it is interesting to know that in 2018 it was the most downloaded application, thus dethroning Facebook, Instagram or YouTube. In addition, it is important to clarify that it is available in operating systems Android as also iOS.

What cool business features does Tik Tok have?

What cool business features does Tik Tok have?

All social networks have a specific audience in a certain way. In recent years, Facebook is being known to its older audience (parents or grandparents), while Instagram for having more presence of the generation millennial. But if your company or venture it is intended for teenagers centennials, it is essential that you have a presence in Tik Tok. In this site You can present your brand either by creating your own content or working with influencers or famous people.

The new generations are characterized by reject traditional advertising who wants to sell them a product directly, but they do accept what someone they refer to as a recommendation. Also, Tik Tok has a somewhat different advertising platform than other networks.

The ads that are allowed for the moment are included in the following strategies:

  • Infeed native content: refers to native videos. Impact can be measured through clicks, impressions, total views of content, viewing time, average duration of playback and generated interaction (like, share, comments). These ads are similar to ads in Instagram stories and sometimes they redirect to a website. Howevercan be omitted.
  • "Brand takeovers: through this strategy a brand is capable "take the control" of Tik Tok for 24 hours with images, GIFs or videos with links that redirect to websites.
  • "Branded Lenses: They are like filters or glasses Snapchat or Facebook that users use in their own content and can last for a certain time.

Learn how to create an account on the Tik Tok platform quickly and easily

Learn how to create an account on the Tik Tok platform quickly and easily

First, you must install the application on your Smartphone or tablet.

It is not yet available in desktop version:

  • Once you download it you can use it without registering and you will see first of all the most popular content of the moment. At the bottom of the screen you will see the following icons: "Start", "Trends", "+", "Inbox", "Me". In this last option you will have the possibility to register to create your account.
  • By way of registration You can use a phone number or an email, but you also have the option to create an account by linking to Facebook, Google or Twitter in case you already own one of them on those platforms.

Tips to use Tik Tok to enhance your commercial brand

Before launching your venture in this medium, you need to take into account some tips to do it successfully:

Know the application

First of all, it is important become familiar with the platform. You or your marketing team must spend some time analyzing the public, the reactions, the content and mainly evaluating how your brand can be inserted in this new world.

Create a challenge

Tips to use Tik Tok to enhance your commercial brand

Challenges on social media are a great way to viralize particular content. You can create a hashtag with your brand or something that redirects to it and challenge others to recreate what you propose.

Think about entertaining content

It is need to look at what other users are doing or the public to whom your brand is directed to be able to think strategies and generate content that catches your attention. This is a social network that stands out for its spontaneity, so it is not necessary for you to create sophisticated videos, but they are fun.