UPDATED ✅ Do you want to listen to the best podcasts about money and economics on the Internet? ⭐ ENTER HERE ⭐ Meet The Best ⭐
The awareness of the relevance of having knowledge of economics and finance is pre-eminent. Since, both contribute to the well-being of society in general and of each individual. Well, they influence people’s quality of life.
Therefore, it is essential to dedicate a part of the time to know more about this topic and in turn, learn to better manage your money. Currently, one of the best ways to do this, without a doubt, are the podcasts.
If you want to take advantage of the extraordinary financial education dissemination work that many podcasts provide, it is important that you know which are the best of them. Keep reading for more details.
Best economics and finance podcasts
Basically a podcast is a type of content combines voice, music and sound effects to talk about a specific topic and provide knowledge to listeners. Which can be listened to on demand (that is, whenever you want) and from various devices. One of its best advantages is that, unlike a radio program, podcasts are available anytime.
If you want to enjoy these to learn more about economics and finance, knowing basic aspects such as saving and investment, you can use one of the following alternatives:
Via 355 episodes in English and with an approximate duration of 20 minutes eachthis podcast is based on economics explained through the main related concepts and with a very direct, close and precise language. You’ll be able to learn about inflation forecasts, supply chain metrics, job elements, and more.
80/20: The Reason Why Podcast
It is a podcast that brings together the best analysis and current research on economics, marketing and advertising. Thus, it studies the advertising industry, digital transformation, rural technology, tourism marketing, artificial intelligence applied to business, economic strategies, the power of the word, etc.
In addition to its rigorous content that covers 80%, provides 20% humor. Access their Podcasts from the following address: https://www.reasonwhy.es/especial/podcast-reason-why-8020-marketing-publicidad-economia-digital/page/3
FT News Briefing
Produced by the Financial Times, it provides a meaty summary based on the most prestigious global business stories worldwide. Which is available every morning from Monday to Friday and provides 10 minutes a day with relevant data on the most outstanding financial news. It should be noted that it is organized by Marc Filippino. Access their Podcasts from the following address: https://www.ft.com/ft-news-briefing
The Circular Economy Show
It exhibits a place of debate on how to move from a linear economy of taking and producing waste to a circular economy. Thus, through its episodes that are close to 40 minutes long, the presenters communicate directly with politicians, companies and designers to seek optimal solutions to the global challenges facing the world of the economy. Access their Podcasts from the following address: https://the-circular-economy-podcast.simplecast.com/
50 Things that Made the Modern Economy
Created and designed by the BBC, it is a podcast presented by Tim Harford, where he tells stories of interest on the initiatives and innovations that have managed to transform the economic world that is currently lived. From these ideas and inventions, listeners will be able to give better opinions about why the economy is as we know it today. Access their Podcasts from the following address: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p04b1g3c/episodes/downloads
Economy for All
Created by Carmen Tomás at esRadio, the presents podcast is a tool that presents a direct and concise explanation about economic news with the aim that all audiences can get to know it more closely and understand it properly. It has 50 chapters in total with an approximate duration of one hour and It is available in both Play Store and Apple Storefrom esRadio.
The Investment School
Directed by Juan Haro, it is a podcast that has more than 500 programs and in each of them, it emphasizes its motto “Financial education for common people”. Thus, it focuses on showing topics of interest on investment, money and personal finances to provide the necessary tools to manage money effectively. It also talks about negotiation, sales, leadership, crisis, entrepreneurs, etc. Access their Podcasts from the following address: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/juanharo
Finect Talks
If you want to learn about finances in an entertaining way, this is one of the most suitable platforms for it. Since, every week, the journalist Vicente Varo (host of the podcast), receives a guest from the world of economics, finance, investment and markets. Through the motto “Because markets are conversations” they spend an hour helping listeners become familiar with finances. Access their Podcasts from the following address: https://www.mejoratueconomia.com/finect-talks/
Your money never sleeps
It is an exclusive esRadio program that has become a podcast and through it, users can learn about the most basic concepts on savings, investment, investment funds and the operation of the stock market. Since, they interview investment fund managers who are experts on the subject in order to improve the financial culture of the population. Access their Podcasts from the following address: https://esradio.libertaddigital.com/tu-dinero-nunca-duerme/
Value investing FM
Investment Academy offers this podcast and in it, both Paco Lodeiro and Adrián Godás create debates to help listeners monetize your money, especially the one that costs to earn and save. Which is done from the investment in the stock market with the method called “value investing” which is safe and profitable. Has over 100 episodes and is available on YouTube, iVoox, iTunes and Spotify. Access their Podcasts from the following address: https://www.academiadeinversion.com/podcast-value-investing-fm/
It refers to a podcast by Fernando Alonso Martín that, during each month, focuses on dealing with a certain topic in depth. whether related with finance and investment, as well as with entrepreneurship, technology or psychology. With this, it will provide you with the ideal tools to learn about patient and rational investment, detect accounting fraud, improve decision-making, etc.
Finance and Investment
The founders of RWB, Javier García and Borja Rubí, have a podcast that It is based on financial education, economics and finance.. So, they focus on providing financial advice explaining basic concepts of these topics, didactic and clearly. This, through a fully accessible format for anyone. It is found on iVoox, Spotify, Play Store and Apple Podcast. Access their Podcasts from the following address: https://rwb.es/podcast-finanzas/
positive alpha
Available in Spotify, iVoox and Apple Podcastthis program deals with interesting and important current affairs based on finance and investment.
Thus, Sergio Falla explains the basic concepts of it, offers a quality checklist on investment, shows which are the best bets to invest each year, exposes the physiology of Bitcoin, highlights that it is FOMO, points out that it is financial independence and more. . Access their Podcasts from the following address: https://anchor.fm/alfa-positivo/episodes/Por-qu-los-Juguetes-son-un-negocio-tan-malo-e1elgi4
Economy to stay without friends
Another bet of esRadio that has become an excellent tool to learn about economics and finance, as well as to keep up to date with these topics globally, using a different approach. Therefore, it provides a more particular vision of the economy and adapts to any type of user, since it provides basic and advanced knowledge at the same time.
this podcast It goes from the origin of money to the forms of saving. Access their Podcasts from the following address: https://esradio.libertaddigital.com/economia-para-quedarte-sin-amigos/
Value Iceberg
From iVoox, the announcer Carlos Aizpurúa develops this podcast through numerous episodes where he explains concepts of interest about the economy and finances, apart from the fact that he focuses on explaining what is value investing.
Also, it explains what investing in empathy is aboutwhich are the failure modelswhat are the notes of a crisis, the expansion Y distribution, the fall and rise of investment, the current market, etc. Access their Podcasts from the following address: https://www.ivoox.com/podcast-iceberg-valor_sq_f1444776_2.html
Invest like the best
It consists of an ideal program to learn how to develop optimal investment strategies through an informal style through which any user can feel familiar. Likewise, the present podcast with 338 episodeswill allow you to discover investors, increase the quality of your transformations, invest in immersed worlds, build promising businesses, know the evolution of the markets and even become your own bank.
Lana & Podcast
Available in Apple Podcast, Amazon Music and Spotify, consists of a program created by Sonia Sánchez-Escuer; who is responsible for explaining the basic financial concepts in a simple and didactic way. In addition, she provides recommendations for manage money well and have healthy finances, explains how to avoid the poverty mentality, teaches how to spot financial fraud, etc. Access their Podcasts from the following address: https://www.blogylana.com/podcast/2/
Capital, the Stock Market and Life
It is a space that is oriented to the treatment of relevant economic issues, focused mainly on the keys to international markets and geoeconomic analysis. It also features interviews with business leaders in order to elevate listeners’ learning in terms of economy, finance, investment, opportunities, transformation, markets, cryptocurrencies and more. Access their Podcasts from the following address: https://www.capitalradio.es/programas/capital-la-bolsa-la-vida
financial neuron
Specifically, it refers to an on-demand program dealing with topics directly associated with money. One of its most interesting features is that it explains the investment from a financial perspectivewith people at the center of everything (and not money).
With this, it aims to help users to stop suffering stress over money, teaching how to recognize a scam, how to invest wisely, etc.. Access their Podcasts from the following address: https://es.player.fm/series/neurona-financiera
Wake Up Your Finances
We conclude the list with this podcast in Spanish that will help you open and transform your mind to improve your financial decisions. Thus, it is ideal to boost your growth and take control of your money, connecting with more humane finances that motivate you to live a fuller life. For which, it will focus on fortify your financial well-being from your own terms. Access their Podcasts from the following address: https://es.player.fm/series/despierta-tus-finanzas