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What are the secret codes of your Android and iOS mobile and which are the most useful that you should know? 2022 list

What are the secret codes of your Android and iOS mobile and which are the most useful that you should know? 2020 list

On many occasions, you don’t know how you can get the most out of your smartphone. When you are browsing between the different menus of the mobile, it is very likely that you will not locate certain data or information of interest about it .

However, there are a variety of secret codes , both on Android phones and those operating under iOS, which give access to special options and settings, as well as other menus different from what the user usually visits.

In this sense, it is worth telling you what are these secret codes that you should know so that you can take better advantage of the overall operation of your smartphone, being very simple to use and can even help you solve certain failures without having to take the device to a technical service.

What are the secret codes of your device? mobile?

While it is true, all operating systems currently available, host a series of menus and options that are visible to any user, since they have easy access to them. However, beyond these options, there are also hidden menus that have been introduced to the device only for use by technicians and professionals in the field .

Thus, it should be noted that the origin of the secret codes arises from the requirement to carry out certain actions and from them, obtain specific information that relates to the repair or maintenance of a machine . But, without that being visible to the common user.

That is why any device has hidden menus or secret codes and especially mobile phones. Which, since its inception, were developed with this type of codes. Being these basically, numerical and character combinations that execute several functions and also serve to obtain important data, activate different menus, test smartphone elements or even restore it and release it.

List of all the secret commands of your Android or iOS and its function

In view of the fact that, today, the most widely used operating systems worldwide are Android and iOS, it is relevant to specify what are the hidden commands contained in the devices that operate under those OS . Taking into account, the most important depending on the function offered to each user.

We provide you with a list of all the secret codes that host these cell phones:

On Android

En Android

It is no secret to anyone that Android is the most used operating system on the Internet and because of that, the most popular and used around the world. Since, it is possible to do many things, apart from the fact that it is highly customizable and was created with the intention of making it as intuitive as possible for users.

However, although a person who uses a mobile with Android does not require advanced technical knowledge to manage and control their menus, the truth is that this operating system has a variety of secret codes designed and used by their developers.

But, even though different brands operate under that OS and have their own hidden commands, Android in general contains several secret codes that are relevant to know and use.

Next, the most important of them:

On iOS

En iOS

In the case of iOS, mobile devices also choose codes that you probably never even imagined they could have and so, just as it happens in Android phones, they allow you to enter new options, functions and secret menus that can help you a lot.

However, it is appropriate to note that, unlike Android, the number of hidden codes in Apple iOS are lower. This is mainly because it is a much more closed system and that does not offer a variety of customization alternatives or show malleability .

But well, you can also make use of certain codes in iOS that give you access to many more superficial menus, allowing you to check certain parameters of the device and activate many others. These commands are as follows :

List of the exclusive codes of the main mobile manufacturers

In the same way as operating systems have multiple secret codes valid for all smartphones that operate under them, some mobile manufacturers have also designed their equipment with additional hidden commands . This, in order to provide a more exclusive contribution to its users and thus, make the most of the mobile.

Here are the most common of both Samsung and Huawei, as well as others for iPhone:

Lista de los códigos exclusivos de los principales fabricantes de móviles

From Samsung

Beyond the customization layer that Android brings to all of its devices, Samsung developers decided to offer an extra layer to ensure greater malleability on their phones from certain special commands .

The most used and common of them are:

From Huawei

In view of the fact that the Chinese multinational is another of the most famous manufacturers worldwide when it comes to Android devices, it is also valuable to know the most important hidden commands offered on their smartphones .

Bearing in mind that, its EMUI layer can cause certain problems with the general codes and these are solved, in most cases, with the secret options to reset it. These codes are the following:

From iPhone

Although, previously, we indicate the most used and important hidden commands in iOS; It is also appropriate to specify some others specifically from iPhone , so that you can get more control of your mobile easily: