One of the forerunners of direct download and file hosting services has shut down, Rapidshare specialized in hosting countless pirated content. It was not necessary to install BitTorrent software to access movies, shows and music albums or enter torrent websites. Simply by clicking on the link, you downloaded the content you wanted. Obviously it was an excellent option but unfortunately it stopped providing its services, leaving a void for lovers of online downloads.
This page used cloud technology, which is a service model in which data is stored, managed and safeguarded remotely, this company stood out over its opponents, por be a portal that had good speed on the servers, in addition to having a wide variety of categorized content.
For this reason, I have brought you a very precise article, with other download alternatives that remain open, and what can they supply the void left by Rapidshare, so that you continue downloading your content from your home or office; as long as have an internet connection. In addition, I answer the question that all Internet users ask themselves Is it illegal to download files and programs from these web portals? I invite you to read the material.
What happened to Rapidshare? Not working or have they closed?
Based in Switzerland, RapidShare started in 2002 to become one of the most popular file sharing and hosting services. This has caused you problems with GEMA (the German Sacem) or with the RIAA, which defends the interests of the recording industry in the United States for the presence of illicit copies of works.
This company has made much of its file exposure to pirates and has had to deal with a number of legal problems. When MegaUpload, its great competitor, was dismantled, the site responded immediately by limiting the flow for non-paying users. A gesture that started the departure of many pirates.
Subsequently, the company has tried to seduce new users with paid offers of € 50 and € 100 per month. Unfortunately, the market is extremely rich with aggressive players, and this effort never paid off.
Early 2014, the management offered 23 of the 24 remaining employees a rather symbolic choice: resignation or dismissal. Most of the crew jumped ship, allowing them to sail for a few more months until the end of the adventure was announced. In view of this I bring for you, the list of the best websites to download alternatives to RapidShare.
List of the best alternative download portals to RapidShare
Now that you know that RapidShare may never go back to its old waysYou may be sad, but you shouldn’t be. There are other extremely useful portals in this regard, that’s why Below I present the 5 alternatives to download RapidShare.
It is the name of the website that replaces Megaupload, closed by the FBI on January 19, 2012. Its official launch was on January 19, 2013. According to its founder, Kim dotcom, Mega is faster and more secure than its predecessor. The company is registered under a New Zealand domain name: Mega.nz.
Currently they introduced some improvements to their servers:
- The maximum download speed of Megaupload was 200kb / s for the unregistered and 300kb / s for the registered, but now he no longer has any speed limit. The upload speed of 80kb / s.
- Previously, users had to wait 25 seconds (if registered) or 45 seconds (if not registered) before they could download a file, but currently no waiting time.
- Megaupload had 3 banner ads plus 1 pop-up ads per download, all ads were removed.
- Downloads are now done with 256b SSL encryption.
- MEGA is compatible with mobile devices
It has become a viable download alternative since has one of the best free storage services. Due to its performance, it appears in the top 5 of downloads preferred by users.
It saw light in 2006, in Texas USA. By 2008, it already had more than 8,000,000 million visits. Its prestige is due to the fact that it allows downloading in parallel, for users who are not registered on the platform. Therefore, it is important that you know the characteristics of the paid account and the free version:
- With the free account you can only host files that have a capacity size of 200 MB. In the paid option, the maximum size is between 5 and 10 GB approximately.
- Since mid-2012, the free accounts have an increase of 10 GB of storage. The payment accounts have a capacity of 100 TB.
- When a user performs a file download, the links are filled with advertising, thanks to this action, they receive money to finance the project. Anyway, these ads can be blocked by installing the Adblock.
One of the best storage portals, has declared to the joy of its users to increase the capacity of files that can be downloaded by those who are not registered with the company.
So far qualified users “No premium” They only had 500 MB for downloading files, but now you will have the possibility to download files of more than 1GB in size, which genre that became the favorite of the community of internet downloads.
Since 2005 They have provided this service and have remained one of the download leaders and have earned a free unlimited file hosting market.
Currently the company offers the following services:
- You can share information through a link on social networks, blog or chat.
- It offers the possibility for any user to upload a file to your account to view it with their own loader.
- It gives you the option to share audio for free.
- You can unlimited download all the files you want.
- It has free and paid plans.
It is a similar offer. You can download a separate application for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux that allows you to upload multiple files at once. The free edition allows a file size of no more than 300 MB, the paid Premium editions allow an upload file size of more than 1 GB and up.
To use SendSpace, you just have to go to the main page of the service and click the Browse button. Select your file and voila, all the information will be saved on the servers. Depending on the file size and internet speed, it may take a few minutes.
It is a web portal that provides the user with the cloud storage service. Like the previous ones, it allows the uploading and downloading of files. And it also has the free and paid options. It was launched on the market in 2006.
What makes it attractive is the file size that the user can upload. I am talking about 100 GB of information, it is impressive, now, only registered users have this possibility. While the free user can only download files.
Is it illegal to download files and programs from these web portals?
According to the law of intellectual property, all intellectual creation of man can be protected, since it is original. In practice, most online content is protected by copyright, be it image, music, text, movie, etc. They cannot be downloaded for free without the consent of the author or the company that represents him or that grants him his rights.
When we talk about illegal downloads, it is mainly about the violation of this copyright. A person who makes available to other users the share, a disc or a movie that he has bought, but without the permission of its author, is responsible for the infringement of intellectual property. In the end it is an option that is available on the network, as long as that possibility exists, people will continue to do it, it is your decision at your own risk.