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How to create a form using the Microsoft Access Forms tool from scratch? Step by step guide

Manage the information stored in databases it can be a difficult task. Fortunately, Microsoft It has a useful tool that allows you to enter and organize your records efficiently. If you are interested in knowing, create a form using the Microsoft Access Forms tool it may be your best alternative.

Forms make up a data presentation layout, which facilitates access to information since you can locate it faster. Therefore, it is always an excellent idea to know how to create a form effectively.

In any administrative position, forms are a great advantage to optimize work. The reason is that Forms tool It has multiple functions to better visualize your information. Read on to learn how to take advantage of it!

What are forms used for in a database? Advantages in Access

The form can be defined as an exhibitor, whose tools can offer numerous advantages in Access, when working with a data base. If you want to know what are the forms for more accurately, you must know that they have more than one simple utility. The formula provides a simpler display of information registered in the database. That is your main objective.

However, the tool Microsoft Access provides you with the possibility of retrieve data from any informational table or query of interest. On the other hand, forms in Access allow you to efficiently enter, edit and organize any content data. You can even enable automatic data entry and present calculation results.

Similarly, you have the option of add lists of values ​​to choose from. Also, you can customize the form to highlight important data, generate messages in case of capturing a wrong value, among others. Apart from everything mentioned, Microsoft Access also offers you the ability to vary the display form: Form presentation mode and data sheet presentation mode.

In short, the following utilities can be grouped:

  • Capacity of present database records quickly, simple and graphically attractive.
  • possibility of perform total calculations If necessary.
  • View all the data corresponding to the tables or queries contained in the registry.
  • Automate tasks that the user performs during their work routine.
  • Finally, it offers an appearance that resembles paper forms, with the intention of present an image that the user can quickly become familiar with.

Learn step-by-step how to create a form with the Access Forms tool

Learn step-by-step how to create a form with the Access Forms tool

If you want to work with only one data record at a time, you can create a form with the Access Forms tool. The process is quite simple, and it won’t take you more than a couple of minutes. Later, if you wish, you can make changes to both the design and the format. Also, all source fields are added to the form just created by the tool.

Here is the step by step:

  • Open the Microsoft Access app. Then go to the navigation panel and locate the data table or the record query that you want to display in the form.
  • Click on the tab “Create” and position yourself in the “Forms group”. Then click “Form”.
  • Microsoft Access takes care of create a form, which can be viewed in “Presentation view”. In this mode, the user can make design changes, while viewing the data.
  • To start using the form, the user must go to the “Form view”. To do this, it is only necessary to enter the “Start”.
  • Address the group “Views”. Then click on “View”.
  • Finally, to complete the change, you must click on “Form View”.

Keep in mind that, in some cases, Microsoft Access may append a child sheet to present the information related to the registry. This is due to the moment when Access locates a single table related to the table or query used to create the form. For that reason, the program creates a secondary sheet, which is based on the data belonging to the relational table or query. If you don’t want to keep the child sheet on the form, you can delete it.

To do this, carry out the following steps:

  • Change the project to mode “Presentation view”.
  • Locate the secondary data sheet, and then select it with one click.
  • In the menu appears the option to “Suppress”. Click there to delete the second sheet.

In the case that Microsoft Access find more than one query or data table, the platform will not create a child sheet when form. That’s because it captures the relationships to the table or record query used to create the current form. In this way, you will have quickly created a form through the forms tool that Access has.