Cookies have become one of the most important tools for most users, taking into account that thanks to them we can store information in the different web browsers that will make our experience be easier and simpler.
All this is because every time we visit a website and have this tool, all or almost all the information that we write on the portal will be stored , this in order to remind you of certain user data the next time you enter that page. This is how you usually save users, passwords, email address, searches , among others.
But, if we frequently navigate in the mobile device , all this can become a problem, since the smartphone will start losing free space and its operation will be much slower. According to this, here we explain how to delete cookies from your iPhone’s browsers .
Why regularly delete the browser cookies from your device iOS?
If you are one of the people who constantly use the web browsers of your mobile device , then it is very common for you to store a lot of information on them causing the internal memory of the device to be overloaded , all this will cause the terminal to start working much more slowly.
This can lead to different problems especially when you want to perform a task quickly from the device . Also, being able to delete the cookie s on a regular basis on your smartphone will help you optimize your performance . As well as to have greater privacy and security with each of your data.
It is important to keep in mind that when you handle tools like these, we may be vulnerable to third parties being able to access our data and steal some information . Therefore, the most advisable thing is that from time to time all these elements be eliminated completely thus improving the privacy and performance of the mobile phone.
Steps to remove cookies from all your browsers from your iPhone smartphone
Given the importance of deleting cookies from web browsers in order to improve device performance , it is important to know what they are the steps to be able to do this in each of the most popular browsers of the iOS operating system.
To do this follow each of the methods we will teach you below:
In Safari
If you frequently use the Safari browser on your smartphone and want to start cleaning these reminder items that take up space on your computer.
You can start doing this through the following steps:
- Enter the “Settings” of your iPhone.
- When you are within the “Settings” of the device, you will have to look for the permittedSafari†.
- Now in “Safari” you should scroll down until you get the “Clear history and data from websites” section.
- Once you have clicked on this section you will see a new window to confirm this step.
- In this case it is important to select “Clear History and data” so that the process of delete cookies, history and all other browsing data can be done successfully.
In Microsoft Edge
In the case of Microsoft Edge, carrying out this process is very simple, simply with a few steps you can start delete all those reminder elements that may be affecting the performance of your browser and device.
In order to execute this you need to follow these instructions:
- Open the Microsoft Edge icon on your iPhone device.
- Now click on the three dots in the upper right corner from your screen to bring up the drop-down menu.
- There you will have to select the “Settings” option.
- Here you must choose the “Choose what you want to delete” section which is located just below “Delete browsing data”.
- You will see a series of options to mark and unmark, it is important that the “Cookies and saved website data” box is checked. With this box you can delete all these elements directly in your Edge browser .
- Finally, click on “Delete” and after a few seconds this process will have been carried out successfully.
In Mozilla Firefox
If instead you use Mozilla Firefox as your favorite browser on your iPhone mobile phone and you want to start deleting these items.
Follow each of these steps:
- The first thing will be to enter the Mozilla Firefox icon on your mobile screen.
- The following will be to click on the three lines located at the bottom right of your screen to bring up the pop-up menu.
- Among the options that will appear on the screen you will have to choose the permittedAdjusts.
- Now scroll down the screen and look for the “Clean private data” section, located in the sectionPrivacy †.
- Here you must click on the cookie switch so that it becomes a blue color. Generally, this switch must be in a white color . If this blue is already skipped this step.
- Then tap on “Clean private data”.
- Finally, a confirmation window will appear, here click on “OK” so that this procedure can be performed.
In Google Chrome
Google Chrome is another web browser that is constantly storing cookies to make it easier for users to use when they visit some pages.
If you want to delete all this data and have a more private and faster experience you will have to perform these steps:
- To start this process it is necessary to open the application icon .
- Once we are inside Chrome , we will have to go to the menu that is in the upper right of your screen.
- There will be displayed a menu where we select accounConfiguration†.
- Once inside “Settings” we select the option of permittedPrivacy ..
- In this section we select “Clear browsing data”.
- Now a new window will appear where we will see different options to delete the different navigation data . In this case we select those that we believe are necessary and, finally, we touch on “Delete”. Therefore, here we have the option of delete all or only those that we believe is essential .
In Opera
Finally, we will use the Opera browser , this browser has managed to position itself among one of the most used by its excellent tool and speed . Therefore, if you have started using it frequently and want to start delete these items.
Then you must follow the following instructions:
- In the case of Opera , we enter the browser’s mobile application from our iPhone.
- Then click on the gear icon to enter the “Configuration”.
- Here a new window will be displayed where we select the “ Advanced” section.
- Now in the new menu that appears on the screen we select accounCookies•.
- Here a pop-up window will open where we can activate the use of these elements or simply deactivate them. In this In this case we will have to permittedDisable them.
- In order to erase all this data hosted in Opera , we enter the “Configuration” and this time we select the option of “Delete browsing data”.
- A new window will appear where we activate the “Delete cookies and data” box and then click on “Accept” to apply the changes.