One of the advantages of using this calculation software is that you will have the opportunity to have a great number of tools and items when working on it, which will guarantee you a completely professional work, since you can have all the necessary functions so you can create the calculation document you want.
This is how you will have the opportunity to create a histogram, which will allow you sort all data by categories. Allowing you to show through a graph a data frequency distribution that you're working with. It is important to remember that this is a graphic representation of variables in the form of bars.
Where each of these bars is proportional to the frequency of the value it is representing. This is how we will explain a little more about what is this element and how can you start using it in your Excel spreadsheet. For this, follow in detail everything that we will explain in the post.
What is a histogram and what is this graph for?
A histogram or as it is also known graph or diagram, is that representation that shows the number of times is that each of the values being considered is repeated and is mainly used when driving successive measurements. In this way it can be said that indicate the frequency of a fact through a distribution of data.
It is important to clarify that this type of graphical representations can't be create with attributesbut they should be done through measurable variables such as numbers, temperature, times, weights, among some others. All this will allow us to see what value measurements are groupedas is the dispersion around core value and core trend.
To end, the histogramss are but a bar graph of a variable, where each of the bars will be proportional to the frequency of the represented values. Himself has a x-axis and y-axisusually in the X axis are the frequencies, Meanwhile in the Y axis the values of the variables.
It is also important to mention that there are different types of histograms which we will show you below:
- Simple bar charts: These representations show the simple frequency using the height of the bar, which is proportional to the frequency of each of the values they are representing.
- Composite bar diagram: It is used to represent two variables, where the height of the bar with which it is represented is represented. will represent the simple frequency of the modalities or categories of the variables and this height is proportional to the simple frequency of each of the modalities.
- Grouped bar chart: It is used to represent the information of two variables, where it is represented through a set of bars that is classified with respect to the different modalities.
- Frequency polygon: Consists of a line chart to be used to represent absolute frequencies of the values of a distribution. In this case, the height is the point associated with a value of the variables and is proportional to the frequency of said value.
- Percent warhead: It's about a cumulative graph, which is very useful especially when you want to represent the percentage range of each of the values within a frequency distribution.
What are the best Excel tools to create a Histogram?
When you want create a histogram in Microsoft Excel it is important to be able activate analysis tools, since this works as a plugin that will allow how this chart works properly.
Therefore, the first thing you should do is the following:
Activate analysis tool
The first thing will be to activate this function, for it follow these steps:
- You must go to the tab of "Archive" of your spreadsheet, and there you must select the item of "Options".
- Then select "Complement" and subsequently "Excel Plugin".
- The following window will appear on the screen where you must activate the option "Analysis Tool".
- Once you have activated this tool for analysis, the next thing will be to go to the "Data" and within the group of "Analysis" click on the command "Analysis of data" so that the following table appears.
- There you will select the option of "Histogram", This will allow you to specify the necessary arguments to be able classify each of the data.
- How is he going to do it? "Input range", here you must specify what range it contains the data from your excel sheet, Keep in mind that here you should not include the Title of each column, but only the data you want to be taken into account.
- In the box "Class Range" you must insert the range of the cells with the class previously created.
- You must also check the box of a "New Leaf" and check the option "Create Chart" and finally click on "To accept".
- This way you will be applying the necessary Excel tools at the time of wanting create a histogram in the spreadsheet.
Steps to create a histogram in Microsoft Excel like a pro
Once everything mentioned above is completely clear, the following will be create a histogram in Microsoft Excel, it is important to mention that this procedure is quite simple to perform.
For this you must follow each of the steps that we will explain below:
- To make a histogram in Microsoft software you will need to group all the data by class, that is, by categories, as this will facilitate much more the work to be done.
- For this example, a group of people with different ages. In case you don't know the classes of the input data then you can do a data range copy and using the remove duplicates command, this will give you a list of unique values.
- In this case we know the range of the ages collected which is between 18 and 25 years old, so that column C can be entered manually.
- The next will be activate the analysis toolYou can do this as it was explained in the previous section through the complements.
- After the analysis tool is activated you must go to the analysis option and select there "Histogram".
- The next will be mark the histogram range that you want to create, in this case you owe so much the input range as the class range. Once all this is selected you must click on "To accept", which will give you the following result: