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How to recover Apple ID account easily and quickly from any device? step by step guide

UPDATED ✅ Do you want to learn how to recover your Apple ID account to use all the iOS and MacOS tools? ⭐ ENTER HERE ⭐ and learn how to do it

AppleID is the account used by users of this company to access almost all the activities that can be carried out with these devices. With it you can access different applications such as iCloud, iTunes Storeamong many others, which allow save all those files that we want to keep.

Therefore, this account is responsible for providing a added storage security to all Apple users. However, it is possible that for some reason you have forgotten or lost your password or access user, which prevents you from being able to continue enjoying each of these services.

If for any reason you have lost access to your Apple ID and you can’t enter all those files saved therehere we are going to teach you different methods with which you can enter again from any device quickly and easily, To do this, follow in detail everything that we will explain in this post.

Why is it important to be able to access the Apple ID? What can I do with him?

Undoubtedly, being able to access this account brings with it a large amount of benefits to userssince almost all the apps of this operating system work through the AppleID, which means that if you don’t have a registration in the or you simply cannot access you will not be able to enjoy tools What Find My iPhone, unlock the phone after a hard reset, make backupsamong many other tools that will be lost if this type of user is not used.

Among one of the most used activities with this account is to be able to shopping via iTunes Storeas well as power store products such as online books, music, movies, images or applications. In addition, it also offers the possibility of enjoying iCloud, an account that will allow you to perform more than one function with your device, such as get AppleCare support, use iMessageamong others.

In the same way, you can also enjoy the services of the App Store, which will allow you to download apps on your devices of iPhone, iPad or iPod, as well as of apple music so you can be aware of the best music of the momentbeing able to enjoy a library with more than 45 million songs.

Steps to recover my Apple ID to enjoy all Apple tools

Considering how important it is to have Apple ID accesshere we are going to show you the different methods that you can carry out to regain access to the account In case of you have forgotten your username or password to log in.

In this way you can continue enjoying each of the services that it offers you, To do this, follow each of the methods that we will teach you below:

If I forgot the username

If for any reason you have forgotten your Apple ID user or you simply do not remember if you already have a record on this platformhere we are going to teach you different forms of power retrieve your username or find out if you already have one.

To do this, follow each of the methods that we are going to explain below:

From an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch

If you want to carry out this procedure from one of these devices, you can do it from the iCloud, iTunes, or App Store settings by doing the following:

From iCloud

From iCloud

  • Enter the “Setting” of your device.
  • There select your name, which will be your Apple ID.

From iTunes or App Store

From iTunes or App Store

  • Select the option of “Setting” of your team.
  • There choose your name and select App Store or iTunesin the same way your ID will appear on the screen.

From an Apple TV

If you have a Apple TV you can recover your user through the following steps:

  • Enter the “Setting” of the team.
  • Select the section of “Users and accounts” and there select iCloud.

from a Mac

To perform this procedure From a Mac you will have to do the following:

  • Select the menu of “Manzana”, there you must enter the “System preferences” and then click on “AppleID”.
  • You can also find your username by entering the “AppStore” and select the option “Store”, and finally “View my account”.

If I forgot the password

If your main problem when you want entering your Apple ID is the access password because you have forgotten itthen here we are going to show you what are the main steps what you must do to get her back, Keep in mind that this procedure will depend mainly on the type of security you use.

To do this, follow each of the steps that we are going to teach you in detail:

Two Factor Authentication

Two Factor Authentication

In the event that you have the security system of “Two Factor Authentication”, and you want reset your Apple ID password You can do it from any device of this operating system, be it a Mac, iPhone, iPad or an iPod Touch that you trust, for this you must do the following:
  • To start with this process it is necessary that your device is iOS 10 or higher.
  • The next thing is to enter the “Device Settings”.
  • There you must click on your name and then on the “Password and security”.
  • Then select the option “Change Password” and follow each of the steps that are indicated on the screen so that you can change your login password.
  • In case you have a iOS device running iOS 10.2 or earlier you should follow this route: “iCloud” > “Username” > “Password and security” > “Change password” > “Follow the steps that appear on the screen”.

from a Mac

If you are going to perform this method from a Mac then you will need to perform the following steps:

  • The first thing will be to select the menu of “Manzana”.
  • Then go to the section “System preferences” and select “AppleID”.
  • There choose the option “Password and security”.
  • When prompted to enter Apple ID password You must select the option Forgot your Apple ID or password? and follow each of the steps that are indicated on the screen.
  • At the end of the process you will see an option to “Change Password”, enter the one you want to start using, try to make it a key security easy to remember and hard for others to guess.

With macOS Mojave, High Sierra, or Sierra

If you use any of these devices and want recover the security key of your Apple ID account, then you will need to perform the following steps:

  • Enter the apple menu and there choose the option “System Preference”.
  • Now select the option “iCloud” and then “Account data”.
  • Here you may be asked to enter your password, in this case select Forgot your Apple ID or password? and follow the instructions that are indicated on the screen.
  • Finally, you must select the section of “Security” Y “Restore password” so you can choose your new login password and thus regain access to your account.

Using a recovery key

In case you have updated your Apple ID with two-step verification and a iOS 11 or higher deviceor in macOS High Sierra or higher you can use one recovery key that will allow you retrieve your login key and thus regain access to your account.

Recover account with or without security questions

in case you want recover your account with or without the security questions from any iOS device, then you will need to perform each of these steps:

  • To get started, you need to go to the the Apple ID account and there select the option of Forgot your password?
  • Now you have to enter your Apple ID or username.
  • Here you must choose the option that seems easiest to you. Reset your password and select “Continue”.
  • If your account is configured with security questions you can select the option that allows you to answer each of them.
  • You can too skip that step and select recover account by email, in this case you will be sent a e-mail with a link for account recovery.

Recover account with or without security questions

If I can’t reset the password

In case you have already done all the steps mentioned above and you have not managed to get reset your access passwordthen it will be necessary that recover your account after a period of time.

All this works as follows:

account recovery

This is a process that has been created so that users can reuse your Apple ID accounts after you have forgotten your login details. On many occasions these people they don’t have enough information to reset data that allow the Apple system to identify if it is the right person or not. then for security reasons the company usually take a few weeks or more for give you back access to your account.

Therefore, if you do not have all the necessary information you have no choice but to “start waiting period” for account recovery. This may end up being a little tedious and in bad taste for mostbut it is a way that the company has implemented to protect data and information of each of its users.

Wait for the email confirming your request

After start the waiting period for login recovery, you should expect that Apple sent you an email where it informs you that your request has been approved, at the same time it will tell you the date and time where you can regain your access.

When this period has reached its deadline, they will send you a message or a call to notify you of the steps to follow so that you can use again your Apple ID In this case, follow each of the instructions that indicate so that you can finish the process correctly.

Informatic security