Office services and tools are something that has been accompanying computer users for many years. Tools like Word, Excel, Access or PowerPoint were born to make our lives easy when writing documents , prepare spreadsheets, presentations and countless other elements of the academic or professional field.
If we take the office suites and mix them with the cloud, that system that allows to store or work with elements located on the internet without installing any type of program , we have as a result Microsoft Office 365 . This is the name of the Microsoft office software package that is based on the use of the internet for its operation. A subscription system with which users have access to all the amalgam of possibilities of the traditional programs of this branch , but with more possible additions only thanks to the network of networks.
Those who have already registered and even contracted user licenses have the task of learning how to log in to Microsoft Office 365 . In this guide we remedy this by offering a detailed review of all the steps that must be taken to be able to login in this more than useful cloud service offered by the computer giant.
Steps to log in to my Office 365 account
In addition to all this, we also resolve the most common doubts related to the use of this system . In case of having problems when connecting as a user by the access code or by email, we explain everything that needs to be done to fix it. In a matter of minutes you will be able to access all the functions of Office 365 and log in without any inconvenience either through your computer or through your mobile phone.
Office 365 is available through the web and mobile applications. Microsoft wanted to grant the maximum possible compatibility to offer its office tools to the largest possible audience. In the following sections we will explain the necessary steps to sign in to the Office 365 account on both iOS and Android, Windows and Mac.
Enter from your computer or PC
To enter from your computer or PC in Office 365, you just need to have a browser and follow these steps that we explain here:
- With your web browser open , go to the address bar and type in this URL: . Thanks to this, you will directly access the Microsoft Office homepage .
- Now, go to the top of the page and click on “Sign in”.
- After this, the Microsoft Accounts login form will appear. You have to start by writing an email address, a Skype phone number or account that you have linked to your profile. Do it and click on “ Next ”.
- Then, fill in the following field that appears with the password and click on the “ Login ” button. Remember that it is important to respect the capital letters if there are any.
- If you are asked to keep the session started, you can accept and not have to repeat this procedure again when you enter the Office 365 portal. Once finished, You will have finished with the login!
Login from the Android or iOS APP
There is no specific app to access Office 365 services . On mobile devices, everything is distributed through different programs that are responsible for performing the different functions of the office suite.
- Enter the App Store if you are an iOS user or Google Play Store if you are an Android user and look for any program like “ Microsoft Word ”,“ Microsoft Excel ”or any of the others that are part of Office.
- When you finish downloading and installing, searches for any of the applications between the installed ones and open it.
- Now, as soon as you enter, a blank space appears directly to enter the email address of your profile . Type it and press the button with an arrow to move forward.
- Then, do the same with the password to login . Click now on “ Login ”.
- With this, you’re done . You can now start using the program in question with complete freedom on your mobile phone or tablet. Easy !.
FAQ: Problems with access or login in Microsoft Office 365
As with any system that requires user registration and corresponding login, it is likely that problems with access or logging in to Microsoft Office 365 will occur . In this section we will answer some of the most common questions among users and, in addition, solve the inconveniences that usually make it impossible to access profiles. Forgot your password ?, don’t you remember the email you used? Here are all the solutions you need:
I forgot my password How to recover my account password Office 365?
If you have forgotten your password to access Office 365, this is what you must do to change it completely, since it cannot be recovered:
- Using your web browser, enter this URL that we indicate: When you are on the Office startup website, go to above and click on “Sign in.”
- Enter your email account now in the field there and move on.
- After , download and click on “I forgot my password”.
- Click again on “ I forgot my password ” and now click on “Next”.
- Fill in the blank space with the characters in the image and move on.
- Request to send the message to the mobile number you had connected to your profile and then write the last 4 numbers of this in the hole . Now, click on “ Send code ”.
- Type in the PC the code that has been sent via SMS to your terminal and move on.
- You can now set your new password to log in in Office 365 . Write it down and confirm it in the two fields to change it and start using it from now on. ¡Ready !.
I forgot the email from my Office 365 account? How do I get it back?
If what you have forgotten is the mail from your Office 365 account , there is no way to recover it, the only procedures you can try to access and remember what it was consist of consulting several possibilities.
First of all, check that you are entering the email to login . You may be making a mistake and that is why you think you do not remember it properly.
Try looking at your email inboxes to find emails sent by Microsoft. The one in which you have any message related to Office 365 may be the one you are looking for to login to your service.
In case you still have problems, the only alternative left is to try entering with a phone number or a Skype profile . If you linked them to your e-mail, you will be able to access them and, later, check what the address you had forgotten was. Good luck! .